S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State Universityr starts cooperation with the University of Cambridge in the framework of the signed memorandum.

Recently, rector of PSU Aryn Orsariyev and Chairman of Cambridge Central Asia Forum Siddharth Saxena in the face-to-face format have discussed prospects of cooperation. The parties agreed on lectures and internships.

In addition, educational institutions mentioned new directions of realization of joint research projects, including through the training of teachers and students within the framework of international programs "Bolashak" and "Erasmus +".

Guest got acquainted with the laboratory facilities and Startup-Academy of the University and said that the university has left a very good impression. "I liked the academic spirit in the PSU. I see that in this great achievement of the teachers and students. I believe that our scientists and students need to interact more closel, herewith I can assure you that in the near future Cambridge will send scientists to implement joint projects with researchers and inventors of PSU"- said Professor  S. Saxena.