The scientific community of Pavlodar celebrated the anniversary of two famous scientists and talented teachers Bari Zhanahutdinov and Svetlana Shaimardanova.

More than half a century life of  Zhanahutdinov B.G.  is inextricably linked with the University, having passed a difficult way from student to the honorary vice-rector of Pavlodar State University. In the walls of the PSU he could reveal himself as highly skilled specialist and scientist. We should also mention that Bari Gazizovich with honors defended his Candidate's dissertation in Moscow Institute of Automotive.

Zhanahutdinov B.G. awarded the highest titles - "Outstanding worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Recognition of his merits to countrymen became the badge "For merits to the Pavlodar region."

Meyram Begentaev, deputy akim of Pavlodar region congratulated the scholar.

In his welcoming speech, Aryn Orsariyev, doctor of political sciences, Rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, said, "You have brought up a whole galaxy of talented engineers who surround you today with respect and attention. We know you as a friendly and open person, who gives a lot of energy educating the young generation, instilling nonstandard solution and responsible attitude to the deal", - said Aryn Amangeldiyevich.

Congratulations came from, including, from the regional trade union of workers of education and science.

Her anniversary celebrated Shaimardanova Svetlana Kabidenovna - famous linguist, a specialist in the syntax of the modern Russian language, linguistic analysis of a literary text, etc. The candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of HAC, professor. Outstanding worker of in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the award named after Pavel Vasilyev, the best scientist of year (2010-2011 academic year).

Anniversary of Shaimardanova S.K. - is a holiday not only for philological public, but also, of course, for many generations of graduates philologists, listen to her lecture, which number is the hundreds. Behind  S. Shaimardanova more than 70 scientific papers.