Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Zhanbolat Akhmetov, received a Gold Medal for Innovation in Higher Education and an Alfred Nobel Medal.

He received these prestigious awards for inventing a new type of pressure equipment based on the principle of gas-air mixture explosion.

By awarding this medal, the Department of Technical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium officially recognized Akmetov’s achievements in development and improvement of the processes of mechanical and thermal strengthening of metals.

The Commission for Awards of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium emphasized that Zhanbolat Akhmetov's inventions, particularly in the field of pressure equipment based on the principle of gas mixture explosion, are of considerable interest and have potential for industrial implementation.

Members of the Commission pointed out that this pressure equipment meets all modern requirements. This unit is half cheaper than its analogs but not inferior in productivity and technological parameters. “The main thing in the invention is the technical and economic effectiveness of its use. If this equipment is in demand in the region, our economy will benefit from it,” says Zhanbolat Akhmetov.

Zhanbolat Akhmetov has over 50 scientific publications, including author’s certificates, patents for inventions, and study guides.