The Day of Knowledge was held at Toraighyrov University.

Yerkin Sadykov addressed the students:

- I am glad to welcome you on the threshold of a new academic year. For many of you, this is the first step into an independent student life. Being a student of Toraighyrov University is not only an honor, but also a great responsibility. Our university bears the name of the outstanding educator and patriot Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov, and each of you has the opportunity to continue his work, contributing to the development of our society. I wish you success in your studies, vivid impressions and unforgettable student years, - the rector of the university noted.

The newly minted students were also congratulated by the Deputy Akim of Pavlodar Region Aigul Malikova.

In addition, there was an introduction to the faculties, a concert program from the student philharmonic, and the festival "Welcome ToU-2024" in the style of Michael Jackson.

 Congratulations to all students on the start of the academic year!