The Philharmonic Society of Toraighyrov University is celebrating its 20th anniversary. It's worth noting that the Philharmonic has been active since 2003.

"Throughout this time, in this creative workshop, they have never stopped preparing concerts, theatrical productions, festive and solemn events. Today, it is one of the most important departments of Toraighyrov University, where dedicated professionals work. Moreover, representatives of the student philharmonic perform on major regional and republican stages. I want to congratulate everyone involved in the work of the philharmonic on its 20th anniversary. Today, in our hall, there are those who once started this journey," noted the university's rector, Erkin Sadykov.

On this day, renowned conductors Zhanas Bekenturov – a distinguished figure of Kazakhstan, an honorary professor at the National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, and Talgat Karimov – the chief conductor and artistic director of the orchestra of Kazakh national instruments, as well as many other soloists from the Philharmonic, honored artists of the country, performed on stage.

Furthermore, a ceremonial awarding of gold medals from ToU and certificates to the artists of the philharmonic from different years took place.