A round table was held in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Talgat Begeldinov at Toraighyrov University, on the initiative of the teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan.

The welcoming speech was said by the head of the department Zhuldyz Kabidenova.

Presentations were made by historians Botagoz Elmuratova, Aigul Turlybekova, Madi Rakhimov and Altyngul Kaskabasova.

- Talgat Begeldinov is a legendary person: twice Hero of the Soviet Union, a famous strike pilot, Major General of Aviation.  Not only the military admires him, everyone is proud of him.  At 23, he was twice Hero of the Soviet Union.  Just imagine, 305 sorties, and each one he has been hanging between life and death.  He had no peers in the sky.  The people called him the "flying tank".  The ace pilot excelled not only in battles.  In peacetime, under his guidance, airfields were built in all major Kazakhstan cities.  And this is also a memory of the legend of aviation, - said Madi Rakhimov.