Toraighyrov University hosted a "round table" "Development of youth entrepreneurship in the universities of Kazakhstan."  The meeting was organized as part of the implementation of the research project "Entrepreneurial University as a Way to Transform Higher Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Transition Problems".

Petr Bykov, vice-rector for academic affairs of the university, addressed the participants of the meeting with an opening speech.

 - The issues of entrepreneurship are very important in our time, because now employers make great demands on the ability to think “entrepreneurially”.  Therefore, our university is taking active measures in this direction, - said Petr Bykov.

The event was organized by the Department of Social Sciences, Journalism and Information of ToU.  At the meeting, topical problems of the formation and development of entrepreneurship among young people at universities, as well as entrepreneurial competencies of students were discussed.  Presentations were made by employees and students of the university.  The Academic Dean of the School of Innovation, coordinator of the Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Program in AlmaU Daniyar Medetov joined the round table online.