Aygerim Khayrullovna Amerkhanova
Deputy Dean for Educational Work
- secondary specialized, Pavlodar College of Technology, "Economics, accounting and audit", 2000; - Higher, Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, specialty - "Accounting and Audit", 2003.
Professional experience
12 years
Subjects taught
“Enterprise Economy "," Modern logistics business processes ", "Marketing", "Business - planning", "Innovative Economy", " Introduction to the Profession and Research Techniques "
Scientific publications
Total - 20 - Problems of the tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bulletin of PSU, Economic series, № 3, 2014 - EXPO 2014 development path of Kazakhstan to the international level. International platform G-global, October 2014. - The Eurasian Economic Union: New union - new possibilities. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “XV Satpaev readings", Volume 11, 2015
Field of scientific research
The tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- 11.02-22.02.2013 - The use of distance learning technologies in the educational process, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, certificate №22; - 21.05-22.05.2012 - The analysis of monetary and policy under different modes of exchange rate. The analysis of optimal currency areas, the Nobel Winner Prof. Robert Mundell, Pavlodar, Certificate №6870; - 14.12-26.12.2012 - Modern trend in the global financial system course, Frantisek Pavelka, Csc, Pavlodar, Certificate; - 21.11-13.12.2012 - Monetary Theory and Policy, PhD Kamelia Assenova, Pavlodar, Certificate.