Развитие экологического брендинга Павлодарской области


The staff of the Department of Economics conducts scientific research within the framework of the state budget project AP19676924, titled "Development of technology and promotion of environmental branding of the industrial complex of the region," under the agreement No. 241/23-25/8 dated August 3, 2023, between the NAO "Toraigyrov University" and the State Institution "Committee of Science of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan." The planned duration of the project is from 2023 to 2025.

The global goal of the project is to develop technology and propose mechanisms for promoting environmental branding of industrial products in Kazakhstan's regions.

Key growth points include:

Well-coordinated mechanisms for the production and sale of ecological products with Kazakhstani content.

Strong technological ties in the promotion of national environmental branding among the participants of "green" integration.

A modern scientific base of ecological branding, ESG-transformation of industrial complexes in Kazakhstan regions, and cross-border partners.

Key partners include stakeholders of the TOU (Toraigyrov University), members of the National ESG Club, industry government agencies, and the population.

Key scientific collaborations include:

Joint Stock Company "Institute of Economic Research," Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, with a Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation.

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ONC SB RAS), Omsk, Russian Federation, with an Agreement on International Collaboration.

Autonomous non-profit educational organization of Higher Education of the Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation," Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, with a Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation.

The research team of the scientific project is represented by the teaching staff of the department, including the head, senior and junior researchers. The working group also includes undergraduates Patrushev Alexander Alexandrovich, Kanavets Stanislav Alexandrovich, Baykhanova Dinara Asemgazievna; students of Foos Margarita Andreevna, Shaismayilov Dias Aliuly.

On September 21, 2023, within the framework of the Memorandum "On Scientific Cooperation," JSC "Institute of Economic Research" together with the research team of NAO "Toraigyrov University" held a round table on the topic "Technology development and promotion of environmental branding of the industrial complex of the region (Pavlodar region)."

During the event, the staff of NAO "Toraigyrov University" presented the main directions of the ongoing research on the development of technology and mechanisms for promoting environmental branding of the industrial complex of the Pavlodar region (within the framework of grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).