Магистратура EMBA

The MBA program is a prestigious postgraduate education aimed at acquiring practical skills in various areas of business with an emphasis on leadership, strategic management and professional orientation.

MBA "Master of Business Administration" is an academic degree that is awarded to certified specialists who have received education in the field of professional management. 


7M04131 "Strategic Management and Leadership" is an educational program for top managers and business owners.


The training period is 1 year.


Business coaches in MBA and EMBA programs have academic degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences, MBA, DBA, PhD degrees and practical experience in conducting trainings.

The learning process in the format of a weekend training.


Form of training

Form of study: full-time-full-time on the basis of higher education

Duration of training: 1 year

Exam form: Entrance exam

Form of payment: contract



+7 705 602 32 75

Amirova Maral Akbayevna, PhD, Head of the OP


+7 7785901918

Beisembina Ansagan Nygmetovna, methodologist OP