Ansagan Nygmetovna Beysembina
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Economic Sciences
Higher, S.Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty - Instrument Engineering, 2013, Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics, specialty - Finance, 2015, 6M051100 Marketing, 2017.
Professional experience
6 years, scientific and pedagogical experience - 2 years
Subjects taught
Введение в экономику и техника выполнения научных работ, Введение в маркетинг и техника выполнения научных работ, Международная экономика, Экономика природопользования; Логистика; Прикладная экономика; Экономика отрасли; Международный маркетинг; Маркетинг; Коммерциялық маркетинг; Маркетинг шешімдерді бақылау; Еңбек ақысын төлеу; Стандарттау және сертификаттау сапа экономикасы; Экономическое обоснование Start up проектов.
Scientific publications
2 scientific articles published in collections of intra-university and international conferences: - “The current state and development trends of the agricultural industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - “Use of marketing tools to increase the competitiveness of agricultural production”
Field of scientific research
Competitiveness of agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.