Amirova Maral
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
PhD in specialty 6D050600 "Economics"
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
1992-1997 Institute of Economics and Engineering, specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)", qualification economist-manager; 2003-2005 Pavlodar University, specialty "Management", qualification Master of Management; 2017 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D050600 "Economics".
Professional experience
24 years
Subjects taught
Marketing research; Micro- macroeconomic analysis; Modern and world management concepts; Digital management; Macroeconomics; Project 3; International Management; Management in the non-productive sphere.
Scientific publications
More than 40 scientific publications have been published, including 3 scientific articles with a non-zero impact factor (Scopus), recommended by COXON - 12 articles. There are more than 25 articles in the collections of domestic and foreign international and republican conferences. In different periods, she participated in scientific and contractual projects. Every year I improve my professional qualifications in the disciplines I read.
Field of scientific research
Information and consulting support of agricultural production, problems of support and development of SMEs.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1) "Development and implementation of brand management in an organization", Kyzyl, Russian Federation, 04-15.06.2018, Tuva State University, 72 hours, Certificate No. 895 dated 06.15.2018; 2) "Methods of teaching entrepreneurship to students", Almaty, Kazakhstan, 15-19.01.2018; University "Turan", 72 hours, Certificate No. 012152 dated 01/19/2018; 3) "Strategic management", Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, 19.11-30.11.2018, PSU. S. Toraigyrova, 72 hours, Certificate No. 3432 dated 11/30/2018; 4) "Improving the professional competence of teachers of financial and economic disciplines (Macroeconomics)", Aktobe, Kazakhstan, 04-20.03.2019, Baishev University, 80 hours, Certificate No. 2445 dated 03.20.2019; 5) "Methodology for the preparation and practice of writing research papers", Kyzyl, Russian Federation, 06/03-14/2019, Tuva State University, 72 hours, Certificate No. 874 dated 06/17/2019; 6) “Business planning of innovative projects”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 07.09-18.09.2020, Consulting Center “MFC Ansar”, 72 hours, Certificate No. S-09/125 dated 19.09.2020; 7) “Management”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 02.10-16.10.2020, Consulting Center “MFC Ansar”, 72 hours, Certificate No. O-10/274 dated 16.10.2020; 8) "Innovative Educational Technologies and Didactic Models", Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13.04-30.06.2020, Erasmus + Program of the European Union, project HiEdTec in InEU, 72 hours, Certificate No. 087483 dated 06.30.2020; 9) Teaching economic disciplines in modern conditions "Economic theory", Almaty, Kazakhstan, 25.08-14.09.2021, Consulting center "MFC" Ansar ", 72 hours, Certificate No. 08-44 dated 15.09.2021.
Room number, building
Main building, office A-419
Office phone