Davidenko Ludmila Mikhailovna
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Doctor PhD, specialty 6D050600 - Economics
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
Pavlodar State University, specialty 0701 "Economics and Management in Industry". Academic degree: qualification engineer-economist, 1991-1996. Diploma with honors. Pavlodar University, specialty 522230 "Management (master's degree)". Academic degree: Master of Management, 2003-2005. Diploma with honors. Postgraduate Omsk State University F.M. Dostoevsky, specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (by sectors and areas of activity, including economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: industry), 2013-2016.
Professional experience
25 years
Subjects taught
Green economy, pricing, risk management, enterprise competitiveness management, public procurement management, state and local government
Scientific publications
Author of over 100 scientific articles and papers. Among them: 1) Textbook «Экономика и финансы предприятия». – Pavlodar: Innovative University of Eurasia, 2019. – ISВN 978-601-7902-60-5 – eLIBRARY ID: 38557021. 2) Monograph «Технологическая интеграция в обрабатывающей промышленности в условиях цифровой экономики». - Pavlodar: Innovative University of Eurasia, 2019. –ISВN 978-601-7902-53-7 – eLIBRARY ID: 38573684. 3) Textbook «Financial management». – Pavlodar: Innovative University of Eurasia, 2019. – ISВN 978-601-7902-75-9. – eLIBRARY ID: 41241661. 4) Collective monograph «Механизмы поддержки молодежного предпринимательства как нового тренда развития экономики, на материалах Павлодарской области» / Under the general supervision of Smagulova Z.K. / Chapter 3. «Современное состояние и поддержка молодежного предпринимательства в Республике Казахстан». - Pavlodar: Innovative University of Eurasia, 2021. – 171 р. – Рр. 52-65. – ISBN 978-601-7380-88-5. 5) Textbook «Economics and entrepreneurship in industry: Textbook / D. Bekniyazova, L. Davidenko, A. Kaliskarova. - Pavlodar: Innovative University of Eurasia, 2021. – 123 р. – ISBN 978-601-7613-30-3. There are Certificates of inclusion in the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright.
Field of scientific research
Economics of industry, sustainable development, ESG transformation, venture investments, technological integration
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Thank You Letter for his contribution to the development of the education sector in the field of youth education following the results of the MSPK "XIV Toraigyr Readings". Scientific supervisor of the work of students Dmitrenko V.A., Askarova O.V. "ESG-transformation of the Pavlodar region", section "Economy of the Pavlodar region: state, problems, prospects", 1st place, Toraigyrov University, Rector Yerkin Tokmukhamedovich Sadykov. Letter of thanks No. 0977 dated October 28, 2022 Thank You Letter from the Department of Education of Pavlodar region for a significant contribution and fruitful work as a member of the jury of the VI MSPK of students in grades 9-11 of schools, students of colleges in the region, the republic and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States "The intellect of students and schoolchildren of the XXI century: realization of opportunities, prospects." Chairman of the section "Economics", Pavlodar, Higher College of the Innovative University of Eurasia, 2022. Winner of the competition "Best Scientist of the Year in the nomination" Best Associate Professor ", Diploma of the 1st degree / Innovative University of Eurasia. 2022, 2021 years. Thank You Letter from the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Pavlodar region for many years of conscientious work, the highest professionalism and contribution to strengthening the entrepreneurial potential of the Pavlodar region. Director of the territorial division of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" S. Sadvakasov, 2021. Thank You Letter for the preparation of students (mentoring work) ”in the line“ Student Entrepreneurship Ecosystem ”from Almaty Management University (AlmaU), a joint project with Eurasian Resources Group S.a.r.l. (“ERG”) and MOST business incubator, 2018. Training. 1) Seminar "Commercialization of scientific projects: European experience". Lecturer – Alexander Shtyka, PhD, Associate Professor of the Lodz University of Technology, Poland. Certificate No. 09304, September 2022. 2) Seminar "Public participation in budget formation" Organizer: Civil Alliance of Pavlodar region with the support of the Eurasia Foundation, Certificate No. 101, August-September 2022. 3) Advanced training courses "Information and communication technologies in the scientific and pedagogical activity of a teacher: technologies and methods of online learning and pedagogical design", Innovative University of Eurasia with the support of the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. Certificate No. 092789, April - May 2022. 4) Educational online course "Business of Creation" (10 modules), School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation AlmaU, EcoSystemERG. Trainer: Aika Alemi, Head of Kazakhstan Brand Incubator, Certificate, February-May 2022. 5) The School of Social Entrepreneurship "Oreli Urpak" is an online school of social entrepreneurship for representatives of non-governmental organizations, implemented as part of the "NGO Academy" project with the assistance of the Civil Initiatives Support Center. Astana International University, NGO "Center for Civil Initiative". Certificate No. 3/28, July-August 2021. 6) Seminar "Improving the teaching of economic disciplines in the context of the formation of the knowledge economy", the organizers of KazHLIU together with a partner university - Kuzbass State Technical University named after. T.F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). Certificate, December 2020.
Room number, building
Main building, office A-419
Office phone
67-36-43 (1142)