Shelomentseva Valentina Pavlovna
Scholastic degree
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Scholastic degree
professor of economics
Higher education - Karaganda Polytechnic University (now - Karaganda Technical University), qualification - engineer-economist
Professional experience
Experience - over 40 years
Subjects taught
Strategic management, Project management, Project management, Modern management technologies, Methodology of economic research, Business planning, Feasibility studies of projects
Scientific publications
Scientific publications - About 280 scientific papers, of which more than 60 scientific papers over the past 5 years: - Standards And Quality Of Living Of The Population Is An Indicator Of Socioeconomic Development Of The Region // Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2021, 20 (1), pp. 1-7. - Integration Processes with Participation of the Large Companies // Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management. Vol 2, No. 2, 2014 P.44 -51; - Actual problems of socio-economic development of the region (based on the materials of Pavlodar region): monograph // Pavlodar: Publishing house Innovats. Evraz. University, 2014 .-- 304 p .; - Using the "Foresight" method to predict the scientific, technological and economic development of the old industrial region (on the example of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of Omsk University. Series "Economics". 2015. No. 4. P. 242 - 248; - Predicting the Future of Old Industrial Regions, Based on Foresight Studies // Revista Espacios. 2017. Vol. 38 (No. 43). Pag. 25; - Methodological approaches to the modernization of the economy of regions with the existing structure // Publishing house LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU. 2017 .-- 165 p .; - Modernization of the old industrial territories of northeastern China as the most important direction of national security policy // Management of economic systems. 2017. No. 4 P. 37 - 40. - Assessment of the quality of life by the population in the socio-economic planning of the development of the region // Bulletin of Toraigyrov University, ISSN 2710-3439 Humanitarian Series. No. 1. Published: 8 monographs, 7 textbooks and 10 articles in indexed foreign journals, articles in journals included in the KOKSON MES RK database. 7. Field of research: socio-economic problems of development of the territory and enterprises, assessment of the level and quality of life of the population, enterprise management, sociological research. In different years, I have carried out international projects, projects commissioned by state authorities and enterprises. 8. Further training: Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia, China and Kazakhstan.