Svetlana Vitalevna Zolotareva
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Higher, State Financial Institute, specialty "Finance and Credit", qualification "Economist", 1995-1999.
Professional experience
24 years
Subjects taught
Marketing, Marketing research, State and local management, Marketing management, Management, Industrial marketing, Marketing in the food industry, economic research of enterprise activity, E-business, Project 2 (marketing research).
Scientific publications
Total – more than 70 - Устойчивое развитие промышленных предприятий в условиях кризиса: вызовы интеграционной политики. Вестник университета «Туран» №2 (78), г. Астана, с.30-34, 2018 г. - Development of Kazakhstan’s social and economic potential based on publicprivate partnership activation. Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015, Vol. 38 (Nº 34) Año 2017. Pág. 35 - Import Substitution Policy in the Chemical Industry of Pavlodar Region in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics pages: 78 -90 ISSN 2068 -696X - Проблемы финансовой грамотности населения в Республике Казахстан. Социальная безопасность в евразийском пространстве: материалы всероссийского круглого стола с международным участием – Тюмень: Филиал Московского института государственного управления и права в Тюменской области, декабрь 2017 г. - Порядок бюджетирования расходов на региональном уровне. В журнале «Наука и образование Большого Алтая», 2016, с.39-45 - Совершенствование механизмов государственного регулирования и саморегулирования казахстанского фондового рынка. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Казахстан и казахский народ в год празднования 550-летия Казахского ханства», Университет иностранных языков и деловой карьеры, г. Алматы, 23-24.10.2015 г.
Field of scientific research
Economics, marketing, innovation management, innovation planning
Awards, diplomas and certificates
She was awarded the diploma "The best teacher of KazFEA-2010", the laureate for the Best textbook, the diploma of the akim of Semey for fruitful work in the education system of the region, active participation in the public life of the city, a letter of thanks from the Minister of Education and Science, Pavlodar city Maslikhat. I have more than 80 certificates of advanced training. 70 scientific articles have been published (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, etc.) in foreign and domestic scientific publications. Every year I take part in international scientific and practical conferences and round tables. Participated in the international language school at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Northern Cyprus, Famagusta. She participated in the Open World Leadership Center program of the University of Wisconsin USA, where the foreign experience of women leaders in the field of entrepreneurship was studied. The issues of the relationship between the governing bodies of the city, county, state and country, as well as the role and responsibilities of the city government in promoting small business and economic development were considered. Engaged in academic mobility of teachers and students. She was a mentor and coach of the Youth Corps development project from the World Bank. I am an expert of scientific projects from NCGNTE JSC. I have more than 100 certificates of advanced training, such as "ST RK ISO 9001-2016 "Quality management Systems. Requirements", Internal audit of management systems in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO 19011-2011 Guidelines for audit of management systems" - Key skills of consultants; - Effective and efficient marketing of the university; - Creation and development of startups with the participation of universities - foreign and Kazakh experience; - The main directions of the formation of a unified educational space; - Economics and management at the enterprise; - Ethics for professionals; - Management in economics; - Institutional economics; - English – level A1; - Improvement of the financial system; - Modern management technologies; - The state and society at the present stage of development; - Your own people – connections and cooperation; - Self-regulation of evaluation activities and professional standards; - Business analytics and financial modeling; - Internationalization as a resource for the development of the university, etc. - Innovative banking technologies in public service - YbyraiCamp Summer Business School - Financial Markets and Portfolio Investments - Methods of teaching students entrepreneurship - Features of business development in the conditions of post-capitalism: new realities and challenges - Blended learning in modern education - Improving the teaching of economic disciplines in the context of the formation of the knowledge economy - New technologies and innovative methods of teaching economic disciplines - Development of the accounting system - International project management
Room number, building
A-419, A-426. Main Academic Building (MAB)
Office phone