Erlan Kairbekovich Kunyazov
Associate professor
1989-1994 Pavlodar Industrial Institute, "Industrial and Civil Construction", Civil Engineer. 1998-2001 Karaganda State Technical University, "Economics and Management", economist-lawyer 2006-2007 Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova Master of Economics, specialty 6N0511 "Marketing" 2017-2020 - Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova (doctoral PhD in the specialty "6D050600 - Economics") 2021 - Awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D050600 - "Economics" by the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Professional experience
Total experience - 28years, including scientific and pedagogical - 12 years
Subjects taught
Enterprise economics, Industry Economics, Construction Economics, Marketing, Tourism marketing, Business evaluation, Business Ethics, Economic justification of startup projects
Scientific publications
Author of more than 20 scientific articles: 1 Design and evaluation of the effectiveness of macrological systems// Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 8(2), р. 1062–1082 2 Influence of human capital of the development of tourism industry//Journal of environmental management and tourism, tom 12, №6, p. 1694-1706 3 Мемлекеттің экономикалық жүйесіндегі логистикалық жүйелердің құрылу жəне пайдалануының жалпы ұйымдастыру негіздерін жобалау// Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия «Экономика» - № 1(85). -Караганда, 2017 - с.148-157 4 Contemporary methodical approaches to the design of economic mechanisms for the development of macro logistical systems in accordance to international integration factors// Вестник НАН РК Vol 1, № 323 (2019), 196-205 р 5 Ways to intensify innovation and import substitution in macrologistic systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of international integration// Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия «Экономика» - № 4(96). -Караганда, 2019 - с.220-230 6 ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ МАКРОЛОГИСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ В УСЛОВИЯХ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ ИНТЕГРАЦИИ// Журнал Central Asian Economic Review НАО «Университет Нархоз», №3 (132)- Алматы, 2020 - с.19-36 7 Основные предпосылки активизации развития малого и среднего предпринимательства Казахстана в современных условиях// Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, 2021 г., №3, С. 106-115 8 Новые направления развития предпринимательства Казахстана в посткризисный период// Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, №2, С. 15-20
Field of scientific research
development of logistics systems, entrepreneurship development
Room number, building
А-419, А-426
Office phone
67-36-43 (1142)
Academic degree
Doctor PhD
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0504-2010