Sergey Semyonovich Dontsov
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Ph.D)
Scholastic degree
Full Professor in Economics
Higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, Industrial and Civil Engineering (1984). Postgraduate course of the Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy (KazGASA), 1992
Professional experience
39 years
Subjects taught
"Organization of production", "Organization, rationing and remuneration", "Investment activity of the enterprise", "Planning of the enterprise", "Economics and organization of production", "Economic research of the enterprise", "Methodology of scientific research", "Economics of production of building materials", "Strategic planning", "Business-planning of innovative projects", "Project 2 (Organization of production)", "Methods of teaching economic disciplines".
Scientific publications
The total number is 260. Including: Monographs: "Rational organization of production and management in modern construction (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)", "Organization of production, rationing and remuneration of labor", "Expanded clay gravel based on overburden rocks of coal mining". Textbooks with the stamp of the RUMS KazEU named after T. Ryskulov: "Theory and practice of portfolio investment in the Republic of Kazakhstan"; "Real investment: theory and practice"; "Organization, rationing and remuneration"; "Organization of production" (in Russian and Kazakh). Textbooks recommended by the Academic Council of S. Toraighyrov PSU: "Methods of teaching economic disciplines"; "Organization and management of industry"; "Theory and practice of effective project management". 5 articles in scientific journals indexed in the international information base "Scopus". More than 50 articles in scientific publications recommended by the RCSON RK (RSCI RF). 7 copyright certificates for the invention and 6 certificates of state registration of intellectual property rights.
Field of scientific research
Organization of production, labor rationing, analysis and management of investment projects.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Honorary Certificate from the Akim of Pavlodar region, letter of appreciation from the Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU, the Best Professor of the University and Leader of the Year awards. Systematic work on professional development is confirmed by thirty-one certificates.
Room number, building
A-419, A-426. Main Academic Building (MAB)