Saule Kairbekovna Kunyazova
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, 0702 Economics and Management (1997)
Professional experience
25 years
Subjects taught
Introduction to the Profession and Research Techniques; Marketing Research; Strategic Marketing; Business Economics
Scientific publications
Total number - 80 1 Management of Unemployment and Employment of Youth in the Labor Market as a Factor of the Key Direction of Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan// Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 13(1), стр. 135–142, 2022 2 Strategic Priorities for the Development of Intellectual Potential of Developing Countries in the Context of Constructing an Innovative Economy// Public Policy and Administration, 2021. 20 (3), стр. 474-483, 2021 3 Основные предпосылки активизации развития малого и среднего предпринимательства Казахстана в современных условиях// Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, 2021 г., №3, С. 106-115 4 Youth entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan: concept, problems and solutions// Вестник серии Экономика Карагандинского университета 2021 г., № 2 (102), с. 4-15 5 Состояние и перспективы экономики сельских территорий Павлодарской области в контексте устойчивого развития// Вестник Национальной Академии наук Республики Казахстан, 2021 г. , № 1, С.208-218 6 The current economic state of the tourism industry of Pavlodar region and the assessment of strategic investments in its development// Экономика: стратегия и практика, 2021 г., № 1 (16), С.81-92 7 Развитие малого и среднего бизнеса как индикатора ориентированности на сельское хозяйство// Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, №2, С. 170-175
Field of scientific research
business economics and management
Awards, diplomas and certificates
winner of the Best Lecturer of PSU competition in the Best Head of the Department nomination (2008 and 2010), S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal (2010), Honoured Worker of Education.
Room number, building
A-419. A-426
Office phone
67-36-43 ( 1142)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5538-5839