Baktygul Bakiyevna Salimzhanova
Senior lecturer
higher, Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics specialty "Accounting and Audit", 2005.
Professional experience
21 years
Subjects taught
State regulation of economy, State regulation of economy in foreign countries, Social and economic planning, State regulation of social sphere, Fundamentals of economic theory.
Scientific publications
She published 54 scientific articles in the materials of conferences and scientific journals "Sayasat", "Eurasian Community", 4 teaching aids 2012, 2014 on the discipline "Socio-economic planning" were published. 2015 in the discipline "GRE in foreign countries" in Russian and Kazakh. During the period of work at the university, she prepared educational and methodical works for intra-university use. She received a certificate for an electronic textbook in the discipline "State regulation of the economy" registration number 1345 dated July 2, 2015. She received a certificate for an electronic textbook on the subject “GRE in foreign countries” registration number 543 dated March 31, 2017.
Field of scientific research
- The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of the industry (for example, the metallurgical complex of Pavlodar) - Differentiation of the management function between central and local executive bodies as an important aspect of regional policy - Incentives for staff as a way to increase labor efficiency in the public service