Tamerlan Nurlanovich Yerzhanov
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of PSU
S. Toraighyrov PSU, Advanced training courses: S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2006 "Innovative management". The course of lectures by Economics Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell (Canada).
Professional experience
11 years
Scientific publications
Participation in the international online conference "Sustainable development of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects" (May 17, 2013) Participation in the scientific and practical conference "Astana - the path to development and success" (05.07.2013) . Published 15 articles in collections of university and international conferences.
Field of scientific research
Integration of industrial and scientific sectors of the economy
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Diploma of 2 degrees in the Republican scientific conference "V Satpayev Readings". Thanksgiving letters from the rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU.