Бектасова Асемгуль Айтпаевна
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Graduate of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University. In 2006, she completed a full-time master's degree in electric power engineering at S. Toraighyrov PSU in the state language.
Professional experience
Scientific publications
Bektasova A. A., Yusupova A. O. analysis of the spectrum of frequency and phase modulation of carrier signals of a radio engineering circuit. - Bulletin of S. Toraigyrov PSU No. 4, 2010, Kislov A. P., bektasova A. A., Yusupova A. O. Analysis of pulse-modulated transmitters. - Scientific journal of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University. - Bulletin of PSU, No. 2. 2011.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
"Higher school pedagogy" December 2012, "Technologies of Wireless Communication", December 2012
Room number, building
Office phone
673657, внутр 1166, 87758899682