Raisa Mukhamedzharovna Mustafina
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Professor, Associate Professor
R.M. Mustafina graduated from Pavlodar Industrial Institute - S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. She successfully completed her studies at the graduate school of S. Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute, defended the dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences. She was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor by USSR HAC in 1991. In 2004, she received the academic title of S. Toraighyrov PSU Professor.
Professional experience
51 years
Subjects taught
Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering; Theory of Electrical Circuits; Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering 1, 2.
Scientific publications
165, including 70 scholarly articles, 2 USSR inventor’s certificates, 3 monographes, 41 study guides and educational methodical manuals.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Best University Teacher 2009 (the grant from the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan); the Commemorative Medal of the 10th Anniversary of Astana (2008), Honored Worker of Education Certificates: holder of the “Best University Teacher 2009” RK MES grant, the “10 Years of Astana” medal (2008), Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006), Intermediate Level of the Kazakh Language (B-1) (January 10, 2012); Specific Features of Induction Heating Calculation (June 4-6, 2008); Mastering Individual Fields of Education, Science and Culture (November 2-30, 2011); National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (2012); Independent National Accreditation of Higher Postgraduate Education (2014); Renewable energy sources (2016).
Room number, building
Office phone
673657, внутр 1166, сот 87056115005