Alibek Ersainovich Anarbayev
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Anarbayev graduated from Pavlodar State University in 2011 with a degree in 5В070200 “Heat and Power Engineering”. In 2013, he received a master's degree in Pavlodar S.Toraigyrov State University in the specialty 6M071700 - " Heat and Power Engineering ". In 2013 he entered the PhD program in the specialty 6D071900 «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" in the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I .Satpayev.
Professional experience
6 years
Subjects taught
“Fundamentals of signal processing”, “Optical transport networks”, “Digital devices and microprocessors”, “Telecommunication systems modeling”, “Theory of electromagnetic wave propagation”, “Automatic devices of radio systems”, “Electrical engineering and fundamentals of electronics”
Scientific publications
author of 18 publications (including 1 in the Scopus base)
Field of scientific research
Influence of electromagnetic pulsesthe data transfer, electromagnetic compatibility.
Room number, building
Office phone
673657, внутр 1166, 87055610426