Research Works and Teaching Materials

Since the day of its establishment, the Department has published over 1,000 works, including 10 textbooks, 24 monographs, over 200 author's certificates and patents, won two silver medals at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR.

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor V.A. Borodenko received SHAPAGHAT-2008 award in the Active Inventor nomination for achievements in the inventive creativity.

The results of the following research projects were successfully implemented in production: research agreement No. 36/07 "Determination of Capacitive Earth Fault Currents in Networks of 10 kV Ferroalloy Plant" (supervised by d.e.s., prof. A.N. Novozhilov) and research agreement No. 95 "Research and Development of Devices Protecting Electrical Equipment of Elevators" (supervised by d.e.s., prof. V.F. Khatsevsky).

Senior lecturers O.A. Andreyeva (scientific supervisor: d.e.s, prof. A.N. Novozhilov), M.T. Tokombayev and A.S. Stinsky (scientific supervisor: d.e.s, prof. M.Ya. Kletsel) successfully defended their dissertations in the Dissertation Council at Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, and received the degrees of Candidate of Engineering Sciences.

The leading scientists of the Department continue to carry out active research work:

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor V.F. Khatsevsky: Highly Effective Energy Saving Electric Technologies of Modern Melting Units;

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor M.Ya. Kletsel: Development of Innovative Methods and Tools for Relay Protection of the Electrical Power Systems Elements;

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor V.A. Borodenko: Improving Program and Methodical Materials of the Course on Automatic Control Theory;

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor A.N. Novozhilov: Development of Methods and Means of Electrical Machines Diagnostics;

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor of PSU S.A. Mendybayev: Development of the Valve Inverters with the Characteristics of Current Sources;

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Department V.V. Kibartas: Indirect Control of Coordinates and Identification of the Electrical Parameters of Electromechanical Converters.