Training and Research Facilities

ICreated at the Department of "Cars and Tractors" in the mid-1970s and early 1980s, a research laboratory and a design bureau, in particular, a branch research laboratory "Research of transmissions of industrial tractors" The Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Engineering of the USSR gave a good impetus to the development of student research work at the department. The results of the students' research work won prizes at national and international competitions.
Currently, research work in the laboratories of the department is carried out at all three levels of education: bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies.
The material and technical base includes specialized laboratories in the following areas:
- Laboratory of fuel and lubricants;
- Laboratory for testing, maintenance and repair of fuel equipment;
- Laboratory for the study of the theory of the internal combustion engine;
- Laboratory for the construction of cars;
- Laboratory of wagon economy.

The student of Higher College of Toraighyrov University also use these facilities during their training sessions.


In 2021, within the framework of the ASIAXIS project funded by the European Union, new test benches and instruments were purchased for the training of undergraduates and graduate students.

The teachers of the department (namely R. Zaripov and the head of the laboratory B. Seitkazin) do their best update the fund of models and visual aids, and also produce stands and posters.