Karina Maratovna Omarova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
1. Bachelor's degree in Technology of Meat and Meat Products from Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University (2002); 2. Master's degree in 6N0727 Technology of Food Products (2003); 3. Graduate school of Innovative University of Eurasia, program in 05.18.04 Technology of Meat, Dairy and Fish Products and Refrigerating (2007).
Professional experience
24 years
Subjects taught
Food Products Merchandising; Biotechnology of Food Products Manufactured from Raw Materials of Plant Origin; Profession-Oriented Foreign Language; Designing of Food Biotechnological Production Enterprises; Patent Studies; Food Chemistry
Scientific publications
more than 80 scientific papers, including 3 analytical reviews, 2 innovative patents, 12 textbooks and teaching aids (including 4 textbooks in English)
Field of scientific research
food biotechnology
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Head of the research project on the topic No. 1280/7 “Biotechnology of polymer food biofibre” under the program “Targeted development of university science focused on innovative results” (2011-2014); participation in the scientific project on the topic No. 1280/6 “Technology of meat and fish products” under the program “Targeted development of university science focused on innovative results” (2011-2014); participation in the project “Development and implementation of master's programs in food safety, production and marketing of TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS in Russia and Kazakhstan” under the international program “Tempus” (2014-2017); Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017)
Room number, building
Office phone
8(7182)67-36-41 1294