Sapargali Mukhitdinovich Aymukhanov
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Professor, HAC Associate Professor
he graduated from Semipalatinsk Veterinary Institute with a degree in Animal Science, qualification: Zoologist (1978); Karaganda State Technical University, second degree in 0702 Economics and Management. qualification: Economist and Lawyer (2002); postgraduate studies in 060202 Technology of Feeds and Feeding at Almaty Veterinary Institute (1984).
Professional experience
50 years
Subjects taught
Basics of Life Safety; Occupational Safety
Scientific publications
published more than 50 scientific and educational works: “The Efficiency of Using Bird Training at Poultry Farms” (Materials of the International scientific conference “XVI Satpayev Readings”, Pavlodar, 2016), “Electrified sets of equipment used for keeping poultry in modern poultry farms” (Materials of the International scientific conference. XVI Satpayev Readings, Pavlodar, 2016) and others.
Field of scientific research
he defended a Candidate's dissertation in 060202 Technology of Feeds and Feeding at Almaty Veterinary Institute. Title of the dissertation: Balanced Feeding of Animals
Awards, diplomas and certificates
professional development courses at PSU, Pavlodar (2014) and OGGU (2013).
Room number, building
Office phone