Kumiszhan Kabdyluakhitovna Seytkhanova
Senior lecturer
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Biology (2003)Master of Agricultural Sciences (2019)
Professional experience
12 years
Subjects taught
Genetics; Genetics and Statistical Methods in Selection; Biophysics; Biometrics
Scientific publications
15. 1. "Biometrics" (elektrondy oku kuraly) 2. Burambaeva N. B., Temirzhanova A. A., Nurzhanova K. Kh., Seitkhanova K. K. Exterior indicators of sheep of domestic meat and fat (edilbaevskaya, Kazakh kurdyuchnoy grubosherstnoy and Kazakh kurdyuchnoy semigrubosherstnoy) breeds // Shekarim atyndagy Semey memlekettik universitetinin "Gylym khabarshysy", Veterinary zhane Zootechniya gylymdar seriyasy, Semey No. 2 (61), 1st volume, 2014 zh. - B. 206-209.3. Бурамбаева Н.Б., Сейтханова К.К. Экстерьерные особенности молодняка мясокомбината Казахстана / / Современная наука: проблемы и перспективы Том 4 международный центр образования и технологий, Лас –Вегас, Невада, США. 15 апреля 2013г. с. 382-385.
Field of scientific research
sheep breeding
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Proficient in cytogenetic research methods (internship in Almaty, Republican Research Center for Maternal and Child Health Protection, 2007 Internship in Karaganda, Research Institute of Health and Labor Protection), took advanced training courses at S. Toraighyrov PSU on distance learning technology, took a course of lectures "Molecular genetic methods and conservation of Biological Diversity" (Moscow RAMS Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after A. N. Severtsev).
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