Teaching staff

Madeniet Azamatuly Elubay

      Position: Head of the Department

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences, 02.00.15 - Catalysis.

      Academic title: Associate Professor of PSU, Associate Professor

      Education: Higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University   , specialty - Chemical technology of organic substances and materials, 2006

      Disciplines taught: "Fundamentals of Engineering Design", "Petroleum Chemistry", "Innovative technologies of oil refining and petrochemistry", "Machines and devices for oil and gas processing", "Oil Processing and Petrochemistry Innovation Technologies", Processes of oil, gas and polymers processing, Equipment for chemical enterprises and Materials Science, Project Management.

      Work experience: 14 years

      Email address: yelubay.m@tou.edu.kz

      List of scientific papers: More than 35 scientific papers have been published, of which:

1. Yelubay M., Massakbayeva S. Equipment of Chemical Industry and Engineering Structural Material. Almaty: 2016.304p. (Textbook). ISBN 978-601-7427-73-3

2. Yelubay.M.A. Vyacheslav A. Chuzlov, Galina Y. Nazarova and etc Reduction of the quality reserve withw the use of predictive models in the motor fuel production. ISSN 1337-7027, Petroleum and Coal, 2018, 60 (3), pp. 422-428 (Scopus).

      Research area: Catalysis, petrochemistry.

      Professional achievements: Ph.D. thesis defense, 2010, "Gratitude" of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018


Kulshat Khairullaevna Zhapargazinova

      Position: professor

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences 02.00.04 - Physical chemistry.

      Academic title: Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, Professor of PSU

      Education: higher, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, specialty - Chemistry, 1981

      Disciplines taught: Inorganic chemistry, English (professional), Colloidal chemistry, Modern inorganic chemistry, Colloidal-chemical foundations of chemical-technological processes, Innovative technologies in oil refining and petrochemistry.

      Work experience: 38 years

      List of scientific works: More than 50 scientific publications

1) A method of producing polyampholyte, Patent 8283 RK IPC6 CO8 F226, CO8 F 8/12. Publ. 12.16.99, Bulletin No. 12 .;

2) Synthesis and study of physical and chemical characteristics of polyampholytes based on amides of pyridinecarboxylic acids and polyethyleneimine, Almaty, report. NAS RK, 1999.-No.5, p.56-63;

3) On some features of the calculation of the surface of a potential chemical reaction, NAN RK. Chemical series. 2005.-№5. P.7-12; Quantum-chemical aspects of the reaction of epichlorohydrin and pyridinecarboxylic acid derivatives, NAS RK. Chemical series. 2007.-№2. P.18-22.

      Research area: quantum chemistry, environmental problems.

      Professional achievements: 2005, 2010 awarded with a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2012, she was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". In 2013 - the holder of a scholarship of the International Bolashak Program (scientific internship at the University of Reading (UK) on the topic “Improving University leadership, management and Teaching and Learning Program”.


Rakish Amrievich Amriev


      Position: professor

      Academic degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences 02.00.03 - Organic Chemistry

      Scientific, academic title: professor

      Education: higher, Kyzyl-Orda State Pedagogical Institute named after N.V. Gogol, specialty - chemistry, biology and foundations of agriculture, 1962

      Disciplines taught: Organic chemistry, theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, chemistry of carbocyclic compounds, bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of organometallic compounds, chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, modern problems of organic chemistry, chemistry of free radicals, chemistry of organoelemental compounds, modern organic chemistry

      Work experience: 58 years.

      List of scientific works: The total number is 210 scientific and scientific-methodical publications.

1) Amriev R.A., Velichko F.K., Bondarenko O. P., Freidlina R. Kh. Reactions of organoiodine compounds initiated by iron pentacarbonyl. - Report. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1985, v. 284, No. 1. - pp. 136-140.

2) R. A. Amriev, F. K. Velichko, R. Kh. Freidlina. Iodoform as reagent for galogen for iodine Exchange in Aliphatic halogen Compounds. - C1 Mol. Chem, 1985, Vol. 1 No 4 - p. 319-323.

3) R. A. Amriev Radical reactions of iodine-aliphatic compounds (Monograph). - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2016 .-- 130 p.

      Research area: Organic chemistry, chemistry of free radicals.

      Professional achievements: Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR (1987), Badge "Outstanding worker in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (1992), Badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2004), Certificate of honor of the Akim of Zhambyl region ( 2003), Certificate of honor of the Akim of Pavlodar region (2013). Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996), Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (1997), Gold Medal named after S. Toraighyrov (2010), Badge named after Y. Altynsarin (2016). Honorary Head of the Department of Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati (2003), Honorary Head of the Department of PSU named after S. Toraighyrov (2012)


Marat Alibayevich Suleimenov

      Position: professor

      Scientific, academic degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences 02.00.15 - Catalysis

      Scientific, academic title: professor

      Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, specialty - teacher of biology and chemistry, 1978

      Disciplines taught: Chemistry, General chemical technology, Theoretical foundations of catalysis, Petrochemistry, Physical research methods

      Work experience: 44 years

      List of scientific works: The total number is more than 90 scientific publications and 4 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) Suleimenov M.A., Bayken A., Dyusekenova U.S. Oxidation of propylene in the liquid phase. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings", Volume 22 "Young scientists", Pavlodar, 2015 - pp. 129-134 .;

2) Suleimenov M.A., S. Baiken A., Dyusekenova U.S. Fuel oil cracking Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings", Volume 22 "Young scientists", Pavlodar, 2015 - pp. 139-141 .;

3) Suleimenov M.A., Turkbenova D.S. On the issue of liquid-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings", Volume 22 "Young scientists", Pavlodar, 2015 - P. 215- 219.

      Research area: Catalysis

      Professional achievements: In 2005 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences on the topic: "Catalytic systems for processing oil refining industries waste."


Irina Anatolyevna Karuzina

      Position: professor

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of biological sciences 03.00.12 - plant physiology

      Scientific, academic title: Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, Professor of PSU

      Education: higher, Siberian Technological Institute, Krasnoyarsk, specialty - Chemistry and technology of macromolecular compounds, 1967

       Disciplines taught: Chemistry of carbocyclic compounds, Chemistry of macromolecular compounds, Organic chemistry

       Work experience: 53 years

       List of scientific works: Total number is 37 scientific publications

1) Ways to deepen oil refining Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XI Satpayev Readings", v. 34, pp. 79-83, 2011;

2) Chemistry of polymers and polymer compositions (textbook) Pavlodar, Kereku, 2011;

3) Chemistry of cyclic compounds (teaching aid) Pavlodar, Kereku, 2011.

       Research area: biochemistry: enzyme activity under the influence of natural and artificial factors.

       Professional achievements: In 1974 she defended her thesis. In 2008 she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission. In 2011 she was awarded the title of professor at PSU.


  Rimma Mikhailovna Nesmeyanova

      Position: professor                      

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences, 02.00.01 - Inorganic chemistry (2011), master of science in the specialty 553950 - Chemical technology (2002).

      Scientific, academic title: associate professor (associate professor) (2016).

      Education: higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, specialty 39.01 - Chemical technology of organic substances (2001).

      Disciplines taught: Basic processes and devices of chemical technology 1, Basic processes and devices of chemical technology 2, Theoretical foundations of the technology of organic substances, Chemistry of oil and gas, Chemistry of petroleum hydrocarbons, Methods of teaching specialization disciplines. Supervises course and diploma design, production and research practices, work on master's theses.

      Work experience: 19 years.

      Email address: nesmeyanova.r@tou.edu.kz

      List of scientific works: personally and in co-authorship, more than 70 scientific, educational, educational and methodological works have been published:

1. Erkasov R. Sh., Nesmeyanova R. M., Orazbaeva R. S., Massakbayeva S. R. Interaction in the Zinc Perchlorate-Urea-Perchloric Acid-Water System at 25 ° C. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 5, P. 619 - 624.

2. Nesmeyanova RM Theoretical introduction to organic chemistry: a textbook (recommended for publication by RUMS). Toraighyrov University, 2019 .-- 104 p.

3. Nesmeyanova RM Calculation of physical and chemical properties and composition of oil and oil products: a tutorial. Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2019 .-- 130 p.

4. Nesmeyanova RM, Kovtareva S. Yu., Kaliev TA Review of technologies for isomerization of light gasoline fractions and the prospects of the process for Kazakhstan oil refining. International scientific conference "The current stage of development of scientific and technological progress' 2019". - Karlsruhe, Germany. March 21-22, 2019.

5. Nesmeyanova RM, Konakbaev MD Improvement of the qualitative characteristics of petroleum coke. XIII International scientific-practical conference of young scientists " Topical issues of science and technology - 2020". - V. 1. - Ufa. - 2020.P. 178 - 180.

      Research area: coordination compounds of metal salts with protonated amides, chemical technology of organic substances.

      Professional achievements: Awards, diplomas, certificates:

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, program “Main directions of improving technological processes at an oil refinery”;

JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies" Orleu ", courses" Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions in the framework of the updated content of education ";

LLP "Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant", internship "Deep refining of oil. Current state and development prospects ”.


Sofia Ruslanovna Massakbaeva

      Position: Associate Professor

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences 02.00.01 - Inorganic chemistry

      Academic, academic title: Associate Professor of PSU

      Education: higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, specialty - Chemical technology of inorganic substances, 2006.

Disciplines taught: Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, Theoretical foundations of Chemical technology of inorganic substances, Aluminum technology, Selected chapters of analytical chemistry.

      Work experience: 14 years

      List of scientific works: total number of over 30 scientific publications

      1) The textbook "General chemical technology" approved by Republican educational and methodological Counci (Shymkent. SKSU named after M. Auezov), 2017

      2) The structure of coordination compounds of manganese chloride with protonated acetamide // Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University., 2015 - No. 4 (107) - P. 273 - 280

      3) Solubility in the Manganese Perchlorate - Urea - PercloricAcid – Water System at 25 ° C // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 370 - 376 ISSN 0036 - 0236

      4) Calculation of the average wavelengths of the section of the bremsstrahlung spectrum capable of exciting - the line of the element (Zn, Ge, Se) // Bulletin of Karaganda State University, Series Chemistry, 2015 - №1 - P. -57-61

      Research area: Coordination chemistry, waste water chemistry

      Professional achievements: In 2013 - holder of a scholarship from the International Program Bolashak (scientific internship at Lund University) on the topic “Improving University leadership, management and Teaching and Learning Program”.


  Manar Amangeldievna Isabaeva

      Position: professor

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences 02.00.04 –Physical chemistry

      Scientific, academic title: Associate Professor (Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

      Education: higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, 1999

      Disciplines taught: Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Analytical and physicolloid chemistry, examination of household chemicals

      Work experience: 16 years

      List of scientific works: 16 scientific publications on the topic of scientific research

      Research area: Wastewater chemistry

      Professional achievements: 3 continuing education certificates


Almagul Slyambekovna Oraltaeva

      Position: Senior Lecturer

      Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Teacher of Chemistry and Biology in secondary school, 1985

 Teaching disciplines: Chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Physical chemistry, Physical and colloidal chemistry, Theoretical inorganic chemistry, Inorganic and analytical chemistry.

      Work experience: 36 years

      List of scientific papers: total number is 17 scientific articles. Electronic textbook "Physics and Chemistry", 14 articles on the topic of scientific research,5 study guides

     1) Geometry of the complex cation of the compound of beryllium sulfate with protonated acetamide of the composition 1: 2 // Proceedings (Scientific journal) Science m technology: Step into the future. Dnepropetrovsk, No. 3 2009;

     2) Catalytic cracking process technologies // International scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "13 Satpayev readings", Volume 9, Pavlodar, 2013, pp. 66-68 .;

     3) Hydrotreating of diesel fuel // Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XIV Satpayev readings", 2014, Pavlodar. V. 9. - P. 127-131.

      Field of research: Carries out research work on the topic: "Quantum-chemical studies of the structure of compounds of beryllium and zinc salts with protonated amides"

      Professional achievements: 2013-2015 academic years - letters of gratitude from the rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU, in 2015, 2017 a letter of gratitude from the Public Association "Pavlodar Regional Organization of the Kazakhstan Branch Trade Union of Education and Science Workers", participation in the International Scientific Student Conference "Student XXI century: dialogue, mutual understanding, tolerance ”(Novosibirsk).


Tokzhan Babataevna Tugambaeva

      Position: Senior Lecturer

      Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Teacher of Chemistry and Biology in secondary school, 1985

Disciplines taught: Basic processes and devices of chemical production, Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, Theoretical foundations of Chemical technology of inorganic substances, Physicochemical methods of analysis, Introduction to the specialty.

      Work experience: 29 years

      List of scientific works: electronic textbooks "Hydromechanical processes", " Physicochemical methods of analysis” ", 20 scientific publications on the topic of scientific research. Teaching aids: 12.

Textbooks: Processes and devices of chemical production. Hydromechanical processes; Problems of complex use of sulfur and nitrogen; Physicochemical methods of analysis..

      1) The textbook "General chemical technology" approved by Republican educational and methodological Council ... (Shymkent. SKSU named after M. Auezov), 2017

      2) Thechemicalhistoryofacurrent // International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, Students and Schoolchildren "13 Satpayev Readings", Volume 9, Pavlodar, 2013, pp. 46-48 .;

      3) Catalytic cracking process technologies // Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XIV Satpayev Readings", 2014, Pavlodar. V. 9. - P. 36-42

      Research area: Quantum-chemical studies of the structure of compounds of cobalt and magnesium salts with protonated amides. "

      Professional achievements: 10 continuing education certificates


 Umsunduk Sultanovna Dyusekenova

      Position: Senior Lecturer

      Scientific, academic degree: Master of Science

      Education: higher, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Chemistry, 2011. Master's degree - PSU named after S. Toraighyrov, specialty - 6M060600-Chemistry, 2015.

      Disciplines taught: Organic and colloidal chemistry, Theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Organic synthesis, Inorganic synthesis, Chemistry of macromolecular compounds, technology of glass and silicate materials, Chemistry of building materials

      Work experience: 37 years

      List of scientific publications

      1. Catalytic process of oil refining. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, Master’s degree students, students and schoolchildren "XIV Satpayev readings" April 11, 2014 vol.15, p.189-193.1

       2. Cracking of fuel oil. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, Master’s degree students, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings" April 10, 2015 vol.22, p.139-141.

       3. Oxidation of propylene in the liquid phase. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, Master’s degree students, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings" April 10, 2015 vol.22, p.129-134.

       4. Application of zeolite catalysts in oil refining. PSU Bulletin, Kereku Publishing House, June 2016. Energy Series

       5. Optimization of the component composition of motor fuels. PSU Bulletin, Kereku Publishing House, June 2016. Energy Series

       6. Chemical analysis of snow cover as an indicator of air pollution on the example of Pavlodar, Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, Master’s degree students, students and schoolchildren "XVIII Satpayev readings" April 12, 2018 vol.10, p.62-65

      7. Oxidation of acetylenic hydrocarbons. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, Master’s degree students, students and schoolchildren "XVIII Satpayev readings" April 12, 2018 vol. 17, p. 214-219

      8. Problems associated with the process of hydrodesulfurization of vacuum gas oil. CCGT Bulletin # 2 2019, series "Energy"

      Research area: Catalytic processing of petroleum raw materials.

      Professional achievements: A gratitude was announced for ensuring the timely preparation of the information base of students. In honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor of S. Toraighyrov PSU-2018, 7 certificates of professional development.


Assiya Zhursunovna Kassanova


      Position: Senior Lecturer

      Scientific, academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences, PhD in chemistry.

      Education: higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, 2013,

      Disciplines taught: Chemistry, Colloidal chemistry, Colloidal and physical chemistry, Physical chemistry, Chemistry of building materials, Physicochemical methods of analysis, Chemistry of coordination compounds, Organic synthesis.

      Work experience: 7 years

      List of scientific works: Published 7 articles, more than 20 reports and abstracts at conferences of various levels on the topic of scientific research

      1. Obtaining, structure and chemical properties of aromatic and heteroaromatic diazoniums of trifluoromethanesulfonates: thesis abstract for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences: spec. 02.00.03 / A. Zh. Kassanova; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Department of Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry; scientific. hands. E. A. Krasnokutskaya. - Tomsk, 2016 .-- 20 p .: ill. - Protection comp. 12/14/2016 - Bibliography: p. 18-20 (21 titles).

      2. A Novel Convenient Synthesis of Pyridinyl and Quinolinyl Triflates and Tosylates via One-Pot Diazotization of Aminopyridines and Aminoquinolines in Solution / A. Zh. Kassanova, E. A. Krasnokutskaya, P. S. Beisembai, V. D. Filimonov // Synthesis. - 2016. - Vol. 48, iss. 2. - [P. 256-262].

      3. Pyridinyl trifluoromethanesulfonates: preparation methods and use in organic synthesis / A. Zh. Kassanova, E. A. Krasnokutskaya, V. D. Filimonov // Russian Chemical Bulletin: Scientific Journal. - 2016. - Vol. 65, iss. 2. - [P. 2559-2567].

      4. Pyridinyl trifluoromethanesulfonates: methods of production and use in organic synthesis / A. Zh. Kassanova, E. A. Krasnokutskaya, V. D. Filimonov // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences. Chemical series: scientific journal. - 2016. - No. 11. - [C. 2559-2567].

      5. One-pot synthesis of chloropyridines from aminopyridines via diazotization / Yu. Lesina, P. Beisembai, A. Kassanova // Key Engineering Materials. - 2016. - Vol. 712. - P. 273-276.

      6. A new synthesis of pyridinyl trifluoromethanesulfonates via one-pot diazotization of aminopyridines in the presence of trifluoromethanesulfonic acid / E. A. Krasnokutskaya, A. Zh. Kassanova, M. T. Estaeva, V. D. Filimonov // Tetrahedron Letters. - 2014. - Vol. 55, iss. 28. - [P. 3771-3773].

      Research area: Fine organic synthesis, synthesis of biologically active substances, diazotization of aromatic and heteroaromatic amines in the presence of sulfonic acids.

      Professional achievements: In 2016 she defended her thesis in the specialty 02.00.03 - Organic Chemistry.


  Radelyuk Ivan

  Position: Associate professor

  Scientific, academic degree: PhD

  Scientific, academic title: Associate professor ToU

  Education: 2013 – Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (Bachelor’s     degree in natural sciences in chemistry). 2016 – Pavlodar State University named after S.   Toraighyrov (Master’s degree in natural sciences in chemistry). 2021 – Lund University,   Sweden (PhD in Water Resources Engineering).

   Work experience: 8 years

        Phone number: 8 (7182) 673651, (внутр. 1173)

        Disciplines taught: Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Organic Chemistry

        List of scientific works: Core publications:

Radelyuk, I., Tussupova, K., Klemeš, J. J., & Persson, K. M. Oil refinery and water pollution in the context of sustainable development: Developing and developed countries. Journal of Cleaner Production – 2021. – 302. – 126987. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126987

Radelyuk, I., Tussupova, K., Persson, M., Zhapargazinova, K., & Yelubay, M. Assessment of groundwater safety surrounding contaminated water storage sites using multivariate statistical analysis and Heckman selection model: a case study of Kazakhstan. Environmental Geochemistry and Health – 2021. – 43. – Р. 1029-1050. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-020-00685-1

Radelyuk, I., Tussupova, K., Zhapargazinova, K., Yelubay, M., & Persson, M. Pitfalls of wastewater treatment in oil refinery enterprises in Kazakhstan—a system approach. Sustainability – 2019. – 11(6). – 1618. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11061618

Radelyuk, I., Naseri-Rad, M., Hashemi, H., Persson, M., Berndtsson, R., Yelubay, M., & Tussupova, K. Assessing data-scarce contaminated groundwater sites surrounding petrochemical industries. Environmental Earth Sciences – 2021. – 80. – 351. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09653-z

        Research area: Sustainable water use with particular focus on areas of waste management, including, but not limited, water and wastewater treatment; investigation of affected sites, including surface and groundwater contamination; and sustainable remediation techniques.

        Professional achievements: Owner of Bolashaq scholarship for PhD study.


Sadvakasova Madina Zhumabaykyzy

      Position: Senior lecturer
Academic degree: Master of Chemistry
Education: higher education, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Biology and Chemistry, 2005. Master's degree - PGPI specialty 6N0112 Chemistry, 2009.
Subjects taught: Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer expertise, Chemical expertise.
Work experience: 15 years
List of scientific papers: Total number of scientific publications – 13, including:

1) ИҚ-спектроскопия әдісімен ациклді N-орынбасқан мочевина туындыларын зерттеу // Международный научно-практический журнал «Глобальная наука и инновация 2020: Ценральная Азия, № 5 (10) 2018, ISSN 2664-2271.

2) Study of the biologically active acyclic ureas by nuclear magnetic resonance. Bulletin of the Karaganda University. ISSN 2518-718X, 2020, № 4(100), pp. 60-74. DOI 10.31489/2020Ch4/60-74

Two co-authored monographs and a textbook on Chemistry were also published in 2017.

      Research area: Organic Chemistry

      Professional achievements: Advanced training courses "Заманауи педагогикалық технологиялар" in JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu"" in the amount of 240 hours, 2017. Scientific internship at the TSU Research Institute (Russia) in the period 01.10.2019-30.12.2019.


Dias Talgatovich Tolegenov

 Post: Senior lecturer

 Academic degree:  Master of Technical Sciences

 Education: higher education, Bachelor's degree S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty – 5B072000 – Chemical technology of inorganic substances, 2014;

- Master's degree – S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty – 6M072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances, 2016;

- Postgraduate studies - Tomsk Polytechnic University, field of study/profile 18.06.01 - Chemical technology / 2.6.14 - Technology of silicate and refractory non-metallic materials, 2023

 Work experience: 8 years

 Work phone: 8 (7182) 673651, (ext. 1173)

 Subjects taught: Chemistry, Introduction to the specialty, Theoretical foundations of HTNV, General chemical technology, Inorganic synthesis

  List of scientific works: He has more than 15 scientific publications recommended by the KOKNVO and indexed in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus and 4 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main ones are:

      1) International conference of industrial technologies and engineering (Shymkent october, 2015);

      2) Modern methods of electrodeposition of zinc // Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings", 2015.;

      3) Patent "Method of obtaining a stabilizer reagent for drilling fluids" (Astana, May 2016);

      4) Patent "Galvanizing electrolyte" (Astana, May 2016);

      5) High-strength building ceramics based on fly ash – red mud mixes (Scopus, 2023).

 Field of scientific research: Construction ceramics, refractory materials

 Professional achievements: has more than 10 certificates of advanced training


   Olzhas Erzhanovich Mukashev

      Position: Senior Lecturer

      Scientific, academic degree: Master of Science

      Education: higher, Pavlodar State University named after

S. Toraigyrov, specialty - Chemical technology of inorganic substances, 2011 Master, S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty - Chemical technology of inorganic substances, 2014

      Teaching disciplines Chemistry, Introduction to the specialty.

      Work experience: 6 years

      List of scientific papers:

      1. Zhumagalieva T.S., Burkeev M.Zh. Mukashev O.E. Obtaining nanosomal forms of antineoplastic drugs based on sulfur albumin. Modern trends in higher education in the field of chemical and biochemical engineering: Collection of articles of International scientific conference (Almaty, September 13-14, 2018). - Almaty, 2018 .-- P. 15-16

      2. Mukashev O., Tazhbayev Ye., Burkeyev M. Nanoparticles of albumin, preparation and use for medicine transportation. The 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems (INESS-2019). (Almaty, 7-9 August 2019). - Almaty, 2019 .-- C. 127-128.

      Research area: Catalysis, petrochemistry.

      Professional achievements: -


Full name: Fazlutdinova Zhamilya Korganbekovna

Post: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree Doctor PhD

Academic title -

Education Higher, postgraduate

Experience of 10 years

Subjects taught Chromatography, standardization and quality control of chemical production

Scientific publications

1. Sabitova Zh.K. (Fazlutdinova Zh.K.) Study of electrooxidation of binary electrolytic deposit palladium–bismuth deposited on graphite electrode surface / Sabitova Zh.K., Oskina Yu.A., Kolpakova N.A. // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry Scientific Journal: –2018. – Vol. 22, № 12. – P. 7. 2. Sabitova Zh.K. (Fazlutdinova Zh.K.) Determination of Au(III) and Ag(I) in Carbonaceous Shales and Pyrites by Stripping Voltammetry / Kolpakova N.A,, Sabitova Zh.K., Sachkov V.I., Medvedev R.O., Nefedov R.A., Orlov V.V // Minerals. – 2019. – Vol. 9. – № 78. – P.13. 3. Sabitova Zh.K. (Fazlutdinova Zh.K.) Determination of Rh(III) by stripping voltammetry on a graphite electrode modified with lead /, Oskina Yu.A., Kolpakova N.A., Sabitova Zh.K. // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry Scientific Journal: -2018. – Vol. 22, No. 6. – P. 1933-1939. 4. Sabitova Zh.K. (Fazlutdinova Zh.K.) Assessment of the phase composition of binary electrolytic sediments containing platinum metals / Sabitova Zh.K., Kolpakova N.A. // XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry In 6 vol. t. 4: tez. dokl. – St. Petersburg, September 9-13, 2019. – p. 311. 5. Kolpakova, N. A. Regularities of the process of removing hydrogen from nanoscale palladium-hydrogen sediments when irradiating a solution with ultraviolet light / Kolpakova N. A., Fazlutdinova Zh. K. // Electrochemical methods of analysis (EMA-2020) abstracts of the X Anniversary All-Russian Conference, Kazan, November 16-19, 2020. KFU. – Kazan : Publishing House of KFU , 2020. – pp. 39-40

Field of scientific research: Inversion voltammetry, precious metals, electrochemistry

Awards, diplomas, certificates: Certificates, diplomas of 1,2,3 degrees

Cabinet number, building: 511

Academic degree: -

Academic title: -

ORCID: The Hirsch Index is 2

Full name: Imangaliev Arman Kobzhasarovich 

      Post: Practical teacher

      Academic, academic title: Master of Technical Sciences


InEU-2008 Applied Biotechnology

Ineu -2012 Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Master's degree)

Toraigyrov University-2020 Chemistry (Master's degree)

      Subjects taught:  -

      Work experience: 2008-2010 Pavlodar Pharmaceutical Plant, process engineer, senior foreman.

2010-2012 Pavlodar State Technological College-Master of Industrial training, teacher of special disciplines;

2012-present-Civil Defense and Emergency Engineer, Head of the training center

      Professional achievements: Diploma for active work and personal contribution to the development and improvement of the state system of Civil protection in the territory of the city of Pavlodar


      Estaeva Makpal Tlemisovna

      Position: Senior Lecturer

      Academic, academic title: Master-engineering

      Education: S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty - "Chemistry" 2008-2012

      Courses taught: "Oil and gas chemistry"," petrochemistry"," petrochemistry"," technology of primary oil processing processes"," hydrocarbon gas processing technology"," Polymer Chemistry"," Chemistry of high molecular weight compounds"," technology of hydrocarbon processing 1"," production processes of petrochemical raw materials processing"," analysis of chromatographic methods"," methods of chromatographic analysis".

      Work experience: 8 months

      Cell phone: 87772033539

      Email address: estaeva.m@teachers.tou.edu.kz;

      List of scientific works: Scientific works, some of them:

      1. Elena A. Krasnokutskaya, Assiya Zh. Kassanova, Makpal T. Estaeva, Victor D. Filimonov. A new synthesis of pyridinyl trifluoromethanesulfonates via one-pot diazotization of aminopyridines in the presence of trifluoromethanesulfonic acid. Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) pp. 3771–3773. (Scopus)

      2. М.Т. Естаева, А.Ж. Касанова, А.Г. Фефелова, Синтез и исследование арендиазоний трифторметансульфонатов // III Международная научно-техническая конференция молодых ученых, аспирантов и студентов «Высокие технологии в современной науке и технике» 26-28 марта, 2014 г Томск – с.250 (Обладатель диплома 2 степени).

      3. А.Ж. Касанова, О.В. Киселев, Д.Е. Сейльханова, М. Т. Естаева. Получение 1,2,3-триазолов реакцией азид-алкинового циклоприсоединения. Труды сатпаевских чтений «Сатпаевские чтения -2021», 2021 г. Алматы - с. 244-247

      Research area: Petrochemistry, organic synthesis

      Professional achievements: Defense of the master's thesis, 2014, diploma of the II degree for the report at the III International Scientific and Technical Conference of young scientists, graduate students and students "High technologies in modern science and technology", 2014, diploma of the acting Director of the LLP "Company Neftekhim LTD", 2018.


    Symbat Sungatkyzy Nurmadi

      Position: Lecturer

      Scientific, academic title: Master of Engineering Science

      Education: S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty - "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" 2014 - 2018, Master – S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty - "Chemical technology of organic substances" 2018 - 2020

       Teaching disciplines: Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry.

       Work experience: 1 years

       List of scientific papers:

      1. Nurmadi S.S., Karuzina IA Refining the diesel fraction for the purpose of removing organosulfur substances // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "XI Toraigyrov readings". T.3. - Pavlodar: S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2019 .-- pp. 205 - 209.

      2. Nurmadi S.S., Karuzina I. A. Hydrotreating catalysts. // Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XX Satpayev readings". T.14. - Pavlodar: S. Toraigyrov PSU, 2020 .-- pp. 263 - 270.

      Research area: Development of catalysts for the removal of organosulfur substances

      Professional achievements: -