Research and development

          Report on the research work of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies 
                                                         for the 2022-2023 academic year

Work on scientific projects, contractual topics and others

1 The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies is working on the following projects:
1) Program 217 "Development of science", subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research", specifics 154 "Payment for research services", priority "Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology", sub-priority "Systems for processing industrial and household waste" project on the topic: IRN AR09259187 "Development of an innovative method of using hard-to-recycle household waste in the production of environmentally friendly building materials" No. 226/36-21-23 from April 15. Deadlines 2021-2023. The total amount of the project is 31,060,872 (thirty-one million sixty thousand eight hundred seventy-two) tenge;
2) Program 217 "Development of science", subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research", by priority: "Scientific research in the field of natural sciences" under the project: IRN AR08856049 "Metal-organic coordination polymers based on azoles: synthesis, research of properties, production of new multifunctional materials" No. 327 dated November 23, 2020 years. Deadlines 2020-2022
The total amount of the project is 61,599,999.11 tenge (completed)
3) Project AR 14972725 "The relationship "Water-Emissions- Energy" (Water- Emission – Energy Nexus) – development of a tool for assessing the prospects of circular water use in Kazakhstan. Deadlines 2022-2024
The total amount of the project is 18 644 372 tenge
4) Contract for the provision of paid services No. 2 932.02 dated December 08, 2022 with Neftekhim LTD LLP 
Total amount of the project: 1,825,600.00 tenge
(the project is completed)
5) Cooperation and Co-financing Agreement No. 1 dated January 18, 2023 with ZHANAT GROUP PVL LLP. 
Total amount of the project: 1,600,000 tenge
6) Contract No. 124 dated 12/15/2022 with IP "Shah PV" "Development of ways to use antioxidants in sausage products"
Total amount of the project: 560,000 tenge
(the project is completed)
7) Contract No. 32 dated 05/15/2023 with IP "Shah PV" "Development of technology for the production of raw smoked sausages of high quality using the fermentation process"
Total amount of the project: 1200 000 tenge

Work on the research topic (dissertation)

Preparation of publications (including for journals recommended by the CCSON) and with an Impact factor
Participation in scientific, scientific and practical conferences of various levels (PSU, and in other universities, in the republic and abroad)
Acts of introduction into the educational process and production
Obtaining security documents for
intellectual property objects
Defense of master's theses on educational programs: 7M05302 – "Chemistry", 7M07109 – "Chemical technology of organic substances"
Participation of research and teaching staff in competitions for international grants, as well as for grants for the best scientific research in natural sciences and humanities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific communication with universities, institutes of the near and far abroad

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.    Cooperation continues in accordance with the agreement on the IRN AR08856049 project "Metal-organic coordination polymers based on azoles: synthesis, research of properties, production of new multifunctional materials" No. 327 dated November 23, 2020.


Scientific internship at universities and scientific institutions of Kazakhstan, as well as near and far abroad


Students of various courses of study participate and take an active part in scientific circles of the department under the guidance of the faculty of the department. They participate in projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the guidance of Scientific supervisors
1) Participation in the Republican subject Olympiad of students on OP and "6B07108– Chemical technology of organic substances" (Almaty):
Team "Magnificent" head Sadvakasova M. Zh.: Muratova A., Voronkov V., Pogonyaev N.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the "Magnificent" Team was awarded a diploma of the II degree in the team championship (Appendix 3).
In the personal championship awarded:
- Vladimir Voronkov was awarded a diploma of the III degree (Appendix 4).
Participation in the Republican subject Olympiad of students in the specialty "Chemistry": Zhumabekova M., Ergazina G., Storozheva K., head Sadvakasova M. Zh. The diploma of the competition "The best research chemist" for a penchant for extreme pyrotechnics was awarded Storozheva K (appendix 5)
2) Participation in the interuniversity student Olympiad in chemistry (VKU named after Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk). According to the results of the Olympiad, M. B. Zhumabekova was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Uzdik tazhiribeshi" (Appendix 6).
3) Participation in the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists on the topic INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION-SCIENCE-BUSINESS: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Yu.K. Uvaliev (Ust-Kamenogorsk). Student Zhumabekova M. B. was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination "Uzdik bayandama" (Section: Research in the field of natural sciences and ecology) (Appendix 7)
4) Student gr. HTOV-401 (English) Yamaltdinov Bogan Maratovich was awarded a Diploma of the I degree of the VI International Competition of scientific works of students on the problems of the development of the fuel and energy complex, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, February-May 2023 (Appendix 8)
5) The competition of Research and Development of 2023 in the section "Chemical technology organic substances" the diploma of the Ministry of II degree was awarded to Yamaltdinov Bogdan Maratovich. The scientific supervisor is Ph.D., and Professor M. A. Yelubai (Appendix 9)
6) The R&D competition of 2023 in the section "Chemistry" awarded the diploma of the Ministry of III degree Aldyshev X-402, Zhumabekova X-302, Storozheva X-302. Scientific supervisor – PhD, ACC Professor Kasanova A.Zh.