Sofya Ruslanovna Massakbayeva
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances (2006)
Professional experience
14 years
Subjects taught
Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances; Introduction to the Profession; Ferroalloy Production Technology; Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, Theoretical Foundations of ChTOS, aluminum technology, Selected Chapters of Analytical Chemistry.
Scientific publications
over 30 1) Учебное пособие «Общая химическая технология» утверждено РУМС (г.Шымкент. ЮКГУ им.М.Ауезова), 2017 г. 2) The structure of coordination compounds of manganese chloride with protonated acetamide // The Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2015 - №4 (107) - P. 273 - 280 3) Solubility in the Manganese Perchlorate – Urea - Percloric Acid–Water System at 25°C // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 61, №. 3, pp. 370 – 376 ISSN 0036 – 0236 4) Расчет средних длин волн участка тормозного спектра, способного возбудить – линию элемента (Zn, Ge, Se) // Вестник Карагандинского государственного университета,Серия Химия, 2015 - №1 – С. -57-61
Field of scientific research
coordination chemistry, wastewater chemistry
Awards, diplomas and certificates
research internship under the Bolashak program at the University of Reading (UK) on Improving University Leadership, Management and Teaching and Learning Programme (2013).
Office phone
8 (7182) 673651, (внутр. 1173)