Tokzhan Babatayevna Tugambayeva
Senior lecturer
higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Chemistry and Biology Teacher at Secondary School (1985)
Professional experience
29 years
Subjects taught
Basic Processes and Equipment of Chemical Plants; Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances; Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances; Physical and Chemical Analysis Methods; Introduction to the Profession.
Scientific publications
Electronic textbooks "hydromechanical processes", 20 scientific publications on the topic of scientific research. Teaching aids 12. Tutorials: Chemical manufacturing processes and equipment. Hydro-mechanical processes; The use of sulfur and nitrogen complex problems; Physico-chemical methods of analysis
Field of scientific research
quantum-chemical studies of the structure of compounds of cobalt and magnesium salts with protonated amides
Office phone
8 (7182) 673651, (внутр. 1173)