Kulshat Khayrullayevna Zhapargazinova
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Scholastic degree
HAC Associate Professor, PSU Professor
higher, S.M. Kirov KazSU, Chemistry (1981)
Professional experience
42 years
Subjects taught
Inorganic chemistry, English (professional), Colloidal chemistry, Colloidal-chemical fundamentals of chemical and technological processes, Innovative technologies in oil refining and petrochemistry.
Scientific publications
Over 100 scientific publications: 1. Tarchai G., Zhapargazinova K. A race for students of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Eotvos, Budapest and S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Kazakhstan. Pavlodar, Bulletin of PSU, pedagogical series. No. 2, 2015, s-205-212. 2. A method for obtaining a stabilizer reagent for drilling fluids. Patent IPC C25D 3/38 , No. 12275 dated 05/15/2016. 3. Zhapargazinova K., Akhmetkalieva R. Increasing the efficiency of heat exchange equipment due to chemical cleaning of working surfaces. Pavlodar, Bulletin of PSU, energy series. No. 1, 2016, pp.36-45. 4. Zhapargazinova K., Toroshchina D. Investigation of modified water-soluble polymers as flocculants for wastewater treatment. Pavlodar, Bulletin of PSU, energy series. No. 2, 2016, pp.37-45. 5. Zhapargazinova K., Zhumabekov A. Advanced training of specialists in polymerization of the manufacturer at LLC "Company Netechim LTD" Pavel, Bulletin of PSU, Serbian. No. 3, 2016, pp.29-37. 6. Zhapargazinova K., Egispay J.J. Influence of coke serum composition and calcification temperature regime on the quality of calcined coke. Pavlodar, Bulletin of PSU, energy series. No. 4, 2016, pp.84-94. 7. Zhapargazinova K., Akhmetkalieva R. Characteristics and methods of recycling water purification at enterprises. Pavlodar, Bulletin of PSU, energy series. No. 4, 2016, pp.94-98. 8. Dzhakipbekova N.O., Alzhanova A.Zh., Sataev M.I., Isa A.B., Tolegenov D.T., Toroshchina D.A., Zhapargazinova K. Method of obtaining flocculant. Patent No. 1887, , bel. No. 17 (19)KZ(13)U(11) 1887 (51)C02F 1/56 (2006.01) dated 21.11.2015. 9. Zhapargazinova K. Kh., Zhaukenova B. B. Analysis of the accuracy of methods for determining total sulfur in petroleum coke / Bulletin of PSU, energy series, 2018. – No. 1 – pp. 93-99. 10. Zhapargazinova K. Kh., Kaliev T. A. Investigation of the heat energy recovery process in the conditions of the Deep oil refining Complex of PNKHZ LLP / Bulletin of PSU, energeticheskaya series, 2018. – No. 1 – pp. 100-110 11. Ivan Radelyuk, Kamshat Tusupova, Kulshat Zhapargazinova, Madeniyet Yelubai, Magnus Persson / Pitfalls of wastewater treatment water at oil refineries in Kazakhstan – A Systematic approach / Sustainable Development 2019, 11 (6)
Field of scientific research
quantum chemistry, environmental problems, problems of oil refining.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
In 2005, 2010 she was awarded a letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2012, she was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". In 2013, he was awarded a scholarship of the Bolashak International Program (scientific internship at the University of Reading (UK) on the topic "Improving University leadership, management and Teaching and Learning Program". June, October 2015 – "Professional Development program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan", Nazarbayev University (Astana); June 2015 –"Professional Development program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan", Scotland, UK (Edinburgh), May-June 2018 - courses "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education institutions", Orleu, Pavlodar, July 2018 – Institute of Advanced Training "Teaching Chemistry in English", KazNITU named after K. Satpayev, Almaty; Development of subject competencies in the discipline "Colloidal chemistry" within the framework of the updated education program, 2023; "General chemical technology: technologies aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprise and environmental protection, 2023.
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673651, (внутр. 1173)
The Hirsch Index is 2