Asiya Zhursunovna Kasanova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
PhD in Chemistry
Higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, 2013
Professional experience
8 years
Subjects taught
Modern methods of analysis, Сomputer chemistry, Рhysico-chemical methods of analysis in the technology of organic substances, Organic synthesis.
Scientific publications
Published 7 articles, more than 20 reports and abstracts at conferences at various levels on the subject of scientific research 1. Получение, структура и химические свойства ароматических и гетероароматических диазоний трифторметансульфонатов: автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата химических наук: спец. 02.00.03 / А. Ж. Касанова; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ), Кафедра биотехнологии и органической химии ; науч. рук. Е. А. Краснокутская. – Томск, 2016. – 20 с.: ил. – Защита сост. 14.12.2016 г. – Библиогр.: с. 18-20 (21 назв.). 2. A Novel Convenient Synthesis of Pyridinyl and Quinolinyl Triflates and Tosylates via One-Pot Diazotization of Aminopyridines and Aminoquinolines in Solution / A. Zh. Kassanova, E. A. Krasnokutskaya, P. S. Beisembai, V. D. Filimonov // Synthesis. – 2016. – Vol. 48, iss. 2. – [P. 256-262]. 3. Pyridinyl trifluoromethanesulfonates: preparation methods and use in organic synthesis / A. Zh. Kassanova, E. A. Krasnokutskaya, V. D. Filimonov // Russian Chemical Bulletin: Scientific Journal. – 2016. – Vol. 65, iss. 2. – [P. 2559-2567]. 4. Пиридинил трифторметансульфонаты: методы получения и использование в органическом синтезе / А. Ж. Касанова, Е. А. Краснокутская, В. Д. Филимонов // Известия академии наук. Серия химическая: научный журнал. – 2016. – № 11. – [C. 2559-2567]. 5. One-pot synthesis of chloropyridines from aminopyridines via diazotization / Yu. Lesina, P. Beisembai, A. Kassanova // Key Engineering Materials. – 2016. – Vol. 712. – P. 273-276. 6. A new synthesis of pyridinyl trifluoromethanesulfonates via one-pot diazotization of aminopyridines in the presence of trifluoromethanesulfonic acid / E. A. Krasnokutskaya, A. Zh. Kassanova, M. T. Estaeva, V. D. Filimonov // Tetrahedron Letters. – 2014. – Vol. 55, iss. 28. – [P. 3771-3773].
Field of scientific research
Fine organic synthesis, synthesis of biologically active substances, diazotization of aromatic and heteroaromatic amines in the presence of sulfonic acids, synthesis and study of metal-organic coordination polymers, preparation of DES.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
In 2016 she defended her thesis in the specialty 02.00.03 - Organic Chemistry.
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673651, (внутр. 1173)
The Hirsch index is 5