Dias Talgatovich Tolegenov
Senior lecturer
higher: - Bachelor's degree, S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty – 5B072000 – Chemical Technology of inorganic Substances, 2014; - Master's degree – S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty - 6M072000 – Chemical Technology of inorganic Substances, 2016; - Postgraduate studies - Tomsk Polytechnic University, field of study/profile 18.06.01 - Chemical Technology / 2.6.14 - Silicate technology and refractory non-metallic materials, 2023
Professional experience
8 years
Subjects taught
Chemistry, Introduction to the specialty, Theoretical foundations of organic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, General Chemical Technology, Occupational safety and fundamentals of industrial ecology of chemical industries
Scientific publications
total number of scientific publications 2, 2 patents of RK 1) International conference of industrial technologies and engineering (Shymkent october, 2015); 2) Modern methods of electrodeposition of zinc // Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren “XV Satpayev readings", 2015 .; 3) the patent "Method of obtaining a reagent - stabilizer for drilling mud" (Astana, May 2016); 4) the patent "Electrolyte of galvanizing" (Astana, May 2016.); 5) High-strength building ceramics based on fly ash – red mud mixtures (Scopus, 2023 г.)
Field of scientific research
Construction ceramics, refractory materials
Awards, diplomas and certificates
has more than 10 certificates of advanced training
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673651, (ext. 1173)
Academic degree
Master of Technical Sciences