Kaynysh Kurmashevna Zhumadirova
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences
Scholastic degree
- higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Mathematics (1987) - Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 13.00.01 Theory and Methods of Professional Education (2006)
Professional experience
52 years
Subjects taught
Structure and management of pedagogical systems, Current problems of professional education in social work, Methodology of pedagogical and psychological research
Scientific publications
over 50
Field of scientific research
Development of students' creative potential in the conditions of interaction of the lyceum and the university
Awards, diplomas and certificates
2004 - "Honorary worker in the field of education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan." 2004 - Badge "Y.Altynsarin" (2004), "ҚR Tauelsizdiginіn 10 zhyldygy". 2005 - "Bilim take kyzmetі sapasynyn zhogary natizheleri ushin" award of the akim of Pavlodar region. 2007 - "Teacher researcher". 2009 - Certificate of honor for the 10th anniversary of the "Nur Otan". 2011 - Honorary diploma of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2016 - awarded the medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Enbek ardageri". 2019 - was awarded the badge "Oblys aldynda sinirgen enbegi ushin". 2019 - passed the advanced training course "critical thinking for the development of subject competencies in pedagogy and psychology". 2020 - completed a 72-hour advanced training course on the topic “Scientific and methodological foundations for teaching the subject “Self-knowledge”, February 28, 2020, PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar. 2021 - advanced training course "Modern trends in inclusive education", Pavlodar. 2022 - awarded with the industry medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Enbek ardageri". 2023 – advanced training course “Innovative approaches to teaching psychological and socio-pedagogical disciplines in higher educational education” (72 hours), Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov, Kokshetau.
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673685 (interoffice 11-39)