Scientific and Practical Center for Ethnopedagogics and Innovative Technologies in Education named after Zh. Aimauytov


The Scientific-Practical Center for Ethnological Pedagogy and Innovative Technologies after Zh. Aimauytov was founded in April 2004.

The Scientific-Practical Center for Ethnological Pedagogy and Innovative Technologies after Zh. Aimauytov pursues the following goals and objectives:

  • From the methodological point of view:
    • social-methodological problems of pedagogy, ethnological pedagogy and innovational technologies of education;
    • methods and means of pedagogy, ethnological pedagogy and innovational technologies of education;
    • main problems of pedagogy, ethnological pedagogy and innovational technologies of education s;
    • investigational problems of pedagogy, ethnological pedagogy and innovational technologies of education.
  • From the practical point of view:
    • creation of the general investigation approach to the problems of pedagogy, ethnological pedagogy and innovational technologies of education;
    • introduction of new methods and means in the research of pedagogy, ethnological pedagogy and innovational technologies of education;
    • study of the historical pedagogy and ethnological pedagogy documents of Pavlodar oblast;
    • enrichment of the contents of youth education and instruction with the regional and ethno-cultural components;
    • study, generalization, and introduction of innovation techniques into the pedagogical process of educational institutions;
    • scholarly supervision of innovational educational institutions activity;
    • development of the research culture with students, graduate students, postgraduate students;
    • coordination and assessment of scientific-pedagogical researches of students, graduate students, postgraduate students;
    • development of the scientific- methodical manuals.

The Scientific-Practical Center for Ethnological Pedagogy and Innovative Technologies after Zh. Aimauytov implements its work in the following functions;

  • introduction of the results of the scientific-pedagogical researches of students, graduate students, postgraduate students into the pedagogical process of educational institutions;
  • development of the local programs of ethnological pedagogy;
  • regional and ethno-cultural focus of the instructional and educational content;
  • improvement of the instruction-educational process in institutions of higher education;
  • scientific research of students, graduate students, postgraduate students, and educators.

In the activity of the SPC there are four clearly defined channels of cooperation with educational structures:

  1. higher educational institutions (university);
  2. secondary vocational educational institutions;
  3. secondary educational institutions;
  4. national centers.

The major trends of the SPC and educational institutions cooperation are:

  1. promotion of PSU reputation and realization of vocational guidance among the educators of the university encouraging their entering post-graduate courses;
  2. supervising of scientific research of educators, graduate students, postgraduate students and schoolchildren;
  3. lending aid in planning the current work;
  4. organization of the activity on advanced training courses for young specialists;
  5. scientific supervision of the schools activity – development of normative documents (conceptions, statements, programmes and school development plans);
  6. consultation of the university educators on the essence of innovation technologies and their application.

The director of the Scientific-Practical Center is doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Zhumatayeva Yengilika. The Center staff consists of educational consultants, senior and junior research workers.

The coordination activity of the Center consists in the fact that the research workers Zhumatayeva Ye., Beisova A.Ye., Iskakova Z.S., Kabdiyeva S.Sh., Zharkumbayeva M.M.,, Nurlina N.Zh., Asainova A.K. carry out the coordinating activity of the university staff and the city and oblast teachers (secondary schools No. 35, 22, 8, 5, the Altynsarin gymnasium No.3, school-lyceum No.10 for gifted children) in the development and improvement of education.

The mentioned research workers are the educational consultants in the teaching-methodic activity of schools where the innovative technologies are introduced.

Also, the researchers of the Center help the university young educators, post-graduates, and competitors to prepare reports, articles, to choose the themes and develop the contents of their candidate’s and doctoral researches.

The research workers of the Center have developed the conceptions for the Altynsarin gymnasium No.3, lyceum No.8, Ekibastuz school No.22, Bayanaul school No.2, regional multi-profile school-lyceum at Pavlodar state university; Pavlodar oblast specialized cadet boarding-school, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University’s college, and gymnasium in Aksu.

The Center regularly holds seminars showing the technology of compiling documents concerning the development prospects of educational institutions:

  • meetings with school vice-directors on the realization of school development programs and plans.
  • onsulting for school headmasters and vice-directors on the development of programs, documents, plans, holding pedagogical conferences with the teaching staff.

Professor Ye. Zhumatayeva, the research worker Beisova A.Ye., the junior research worker Kabdiyeva S.Sh. annually conduct the Kazakh language courses for the university specialists organized by the Institute of Qualification Improvement of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University and courses on active and interactive teaching methods.

Also, they are regularly invited by the German national-cultural centre” Vozrozhdeniye” and the international educational centre “New Generation” as an official representative of embassy schools of Great Britain, America, Canada, Poland and Australia.

Besides managing the scientific research activity of school teachers and post-graduate students, the Scientific-Practical Center is actively engaged in publications.

The Center staff publish their articles in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the former Soviet republics’ (Russia) and foreign countries’ (France) scholarly journals, and are regular participants of international, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar oblast scientific-practical conferences.

From 2004 till 2008 the Center staff wrote and published the following books:

  1. Е. Арын, Б. Касым, Е. Жуматаева «Қазақ тiлін оқытудың әдістемесі» (a textbook);
  2. Е.Жуматаева «Ұстаз әулеті» (a book);
  3. Е.Жуматаева «Этнопедагогика» (a reading-book);
  4. Пфейфер Н.Э., Жуматаева Е., Бурдина Е.И. «Основы современной дидактики» (a manual);
  5. Жуматаева Е. «Жоғары мектепке білім берудің негіздері» (a monograph);
  6. Құдайқұлов М. «Тағдыр тандау» (a book),
  7. Жуматаева Е. «Этнопедагогика» (a manual);
  8. Жуматаева Е. «Мектепті білімдену технологиясымен басқару» by the example of school-lyseum №3;
  9. T. Shaimardanov “Мектеп менеджменті” (a book);
  10. Ye. Zhumatayeva “Қазақстан майдангер жазушыларының  шығармалары арқылы оқушыларға патриоттық тәрбие беру” (a monograph);
  11. Ye. Zhumatayeva, R. Toleubekova “Этнопедагогика” (a textbook);
  12. “Науковедение” (a dictionary);
  13. Ye. Zhumatayeva, R. Kadysova “Рухы биік тұлғалар” (a scientific book);
  14. Ye. Zhumatayeva, R. Kadysova “Қазақстан Республикасындағы білім жүйесін басқаруда білімдену инновациялық технологияларын жүзеге асыру” (a result of scientific-research work);
  15. Ye. Zhumatayeva, “Рухнама” (50-volume collected works of famous people);
  16. Ye. Zhumatayeva, “Мәшһүр-Жүсіп Көпеев” (an encyclopaedia);
  17. R. Olzhabayev, “Машиностроение” (2 volumes) (a translation) (translated by E. Zhumatayeva, M.Sh. Kunanbayeva, S.M. Muhamediyarova, A.E. Beisova).
  18. A. Nurzhauov “Тракторостроение” (a translation) (translated and technically corrected by S.M. Muhamediyarova, E.S. Imanbayev, A.K. Asainova).
  19. R. Kadysova “Тарихнама” (a translation) (translated and technically corrected by E. Zhumatayeva, M.Sh. Kunanbayeva, A.K. Asainova).
  20. S. Muhamediyarova “Мәнерлеп оқу” (a reading-book);
  21. S.M. Muhamediyarova “Наурызнама” (a manual);
  22. S.M. Muhamediyarova “Баталар” (a collection).
  23. Electronic textbook of «Ethno pedagogic»
  24. E. Zhumataeva, R.Аryn, R.Kadysova. «Ұлттық мүдде негізінде Қазақстан қоғамының консолидациясы». Monografiya, Pavlodar, 2008;
  25. E. Zhumataeva, R.Kadysova. «Қазақстан Республикасындағы білім жүйесін басқаруда білімдену инновациялық технологияларын жүзеге асыру». Monografiya, Pavlodar, 2008;
  26. “Кемелді тұлға тәрбиелеуді мақсат тұтқан басшы” EKO. 2010 – 158 p.
  27. Қазақ тілін оқытудың  технологиялары /Textbook denoted to the magisters/ Pavlodar 2010.
  28. Қазақ тілін оқытудың әдіснамасы. Textbook denoted to the economic specialities in Russian audiences/, Textbook. Pavlodar: «EKO».
  29. М.М. Begentaev. «Өндіріс экономикасы» Textbook denoted to the economic specialities. Pavlodar:EKO. 2010.
  30. R.Kadysova. «Қазақстанда кеңестік жетілдірудің тарихнамасы». Textbook denoted, Pavlodar:EKO.2011.
  31. Е.М.Aryn. 3 том. Pavlodar:EKO. 2011.
  32. E. Zhumataeva. Жоғары мектепте әдебиетті білімденудің инновациялық технологияларымен оқыту. Monografiya, Pavlodar 2012.
  33. Е.Аryn, Р.Aryn, Е. Zhumataeva, R.Kadysova. Менеджерлік құзіреттің ғылыми-теориялық негіздері. Pavlodar, 2012.
  34. E. Zhumataeva. Жоғары мектепте оқытудың біртұтас дидактикалық жүйесінің теориясы. Monografiya, Pavlodar, 2012.
  35. E. Zhumataeva. «Орындаушылық өнер». Textbook denoted, Pavlodar, 2012.
  36. E. Zhumataeva. «Музыкалық педагогика». Textbook denoted, Pavlodar, 2012.


The following scientific books are prepared for publication: Zh. K. Bizhan ““Дала уалаяты” газеті (1888-1902): жеке тұлға және қоғам” (a monograph); E. Zhumataeva,  A.E. Beisova “Патриоттық ұстанымды ерлікке негіздеудің маңызы Құрмаш Нұрғалиевтің ерлігі - әлемге үлгі” (a monograph); S. Sh. Kabdieva “Қазақстандағы азаматтық білім берудің тарихи дамуы” (a monograph); E. Zhumataeva,   S. Sh. Kabdieva “Қазақстандағы азаматтық білім берудің тарихи дамуы” (a dictionary); E. Zhumataeva, S. K. Shabazhanova “Отан деп соққан жүрегі” (a methodical appliance).

The scientific staff of the Center regularly takes part in compilation of the script for the national festive program “Nauryz” holiday. The staff helps the students in the script making-up of the festive event; the Center workers are regularly invited as judges in carrying out of “Nauryz”, “Students’ spring”, “Aitys” holidays, etc.

In December 2006 the centre workers headed by the director took part in the competition of applied scientific researches (education field) according to the theme “The realization of educational innovative technologies in ruling of Kazakhstan education’s system”; a three-million grant was won.    

In February 2007 the centre workers took part in a project of Kazakhstan’s Education and Science Department according to the theme “Improvement of professional skills and repreparation in the field of an educational process’s ruling. Organizing-pedagogical bases of educational organization managers’ activity”.

In May 2007 the centre won a three-million tenge grant based on a budgetary program “A national idea as a basis of Kazakhstan’s development” according to the theme “Consolidation of polyethnic Kazakhstan society as a basis of common national idea”.

Every year in National Academy of Education Named After Y. Altynsarin annual scientific reports of research work’s realization are taken place on the given projects in the field of education. According to the results of a project  “The realization of educational innovative technologies in ruling of Kazakhstan education’s system” a book “Қазақстан Республикасындағы білім жүйесін басқаруда білімдену инновациялық технологияларын жүзеге асыру” , whose author is the project’s manager- E. Zhumataeva,  was prepared  and published.

In 2007 the centre and Novosibirsk Architectural-Building Institute concluded a collaboration treaty. In 2008 the centre staff took  part in an international scientific-methodical conference “Innovative technologies of education’s organization in a higher educational establishment: on the way to a new quality of education” (E. Zhumataeva, S. Sh. Kabdieva).

In 2008 a collaboration treaty with Omsk State University was concluded.

In July 2008 the president of FIDZHIP, professor Grigoriy Tomskiy invited the director of the centre -professor E. Zhumataeva and R. Kadysova to an international seminar in France.

In 2008 the winner on the competition of the state bonus 1st degree by the Ministry of Education and Science of RK named after Y.ALTYNSARIN for the best and scientific studies and work in the field of pedagogic with presenting the golden medal.

2009 year - academic of the International science Academy of pedagogical education.

2009 was elected as an honorary member (academic) of the Academy of pedagogical science.

In 2010 was elected honorable managing pulpits of  performer art.

In 2010 was awarded the golden medals of S. Toraygyrov. The scientific study of 6 competitors will prepared on degree of the candidate of the pedagogical sciences on cipher 13.00.01. general pedagogic, history of pedagogic and formation, ethnopedagogic.

In 2009-2010 yy. took part in republican television issue of the channel "Kazakhstan" "Tau tulgalar", denoted the great scientist and figure of Kazakhstan.

In March 2011 the director of the centre professor E.Zhumataeva was invited on extension course in Germany in city Dusseldorf Euregio Hochschule, University College has also heard in the centre Europaischen Akademie Fur psye hosoziale Sesundheit und Kreativitats Eorderung in Tragerschart des Frutz Perls Institutes vonn. UnivProt. Dr mult. Hilocion Petzold-ak, where passed the period of trial on specified to themes.

In January 2012, the scientific center has prepared a project consisting of 15 blocks entitled “Voucher-module System: Scientific Basis of New Educational Technologies in General Education Schools and the New-type Schools” (currently being implemented in the areas and cities of the Pavlodar region), concluded agreements with the state institution “The Department of Education of Irtysh Area, Uspenka Area, Kachiry Area, Bayanaul Area, Ekibastuz Area”, “Regional Kazakh Gymnasium for Gifted Children Named after Altynsarin”. Lectures, seminars and workshops on the project “Voucher-module System: Scientific Basis of New Educational Technologies in General Education Schools and the New-type Schools” were conducted for the Directors and teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.


The workers of the Center



She is a director of the Zhusipbek Aimauytov Scientific practical center on ehtno pedagogics and innovative technologies under the eagis of The S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

She was awarded with medals “The best Educator of KazSSR”, “Ybyrai Altynsarin”, “Ana Tili” “For the contributions in science development of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and an Honoured credential.

In 2005 she became one of the leading scientists of Kazakhstan.

During 2005-2007 she was a member of Thesis Council for defending a candidate scientific degree in pedagogics at Eurasian Humanitarian Institute in Astana. At present she is a member of the United Thesis Council of the E.Buketov Karagandy State University.

PhD, professor Engilika Zhumataeva’s speciality code is 13.00.01 – general pedagogics,

History of pedagogics and education, ethno pedagogics. E. Zhumataeva took part in 13 defence of candidate and doctoral scientific researches in Astana, Almaty, Atyrau, Karaganda, Turkestan. Under her supervision 8 people defended a degree of Candidate of pedagogics and 28 scholars are working at theses.

Engilika Oserbaevna is a member of editorial board of international scientific-practical journals “ULT taglymy”, “Tarbie Kuraly” and “Vestnic PSU’.

Engilika Zhumataeva is the author of 130 scientific articles, monographies, textbooks, teaching aids, books and two scientific projects.

In 2006 she was credited a grant of three million tenge for working out the theme “Fulfilment of educating innovative technologies in the management of education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

In 2007 a grant of three million tenge was alloted from budget fund for the program “National idea as a basis of Kazakhstani development” on the theme “Multiethnic Kazakhstani public Consolidation is as a basis of  all nation idea”.

In 2007 participated in the project of education and science Ministry of RK  in the lot №1 “ Qualification increase and further training in the sphere of educational – upbringing process management. Organizational – pedagogical bases of the education organizations authorities’ activity.”

2006 was elected as an honorary member – correspondent of the International science Academy of pedagogical education of the Russian federation.

In 2006 won the nomination “The best scientist” of PSU after S. Toraigyrov.

2007 – “The best professor” of PSU after S. Toraigyrov.

2007 – the nominator of the republican grant “The best scientist of the year.”

In 2008 cooperation treaty with Novosibirsk architectural institute was concluded.

In 2008 cooperation treaty with Omsk state university was concluded.

In 2008 participated in the international seminar in France by invitation of the FIDGIP president. 

In 2008 the winner on the competition of the state bonus 1st degree by the Ministry of Education and Science of RK named after Y.ALTYNSARIN for the best and scientific studies and work in the field of pedagogic with presenting the golden medal.

2009 year - academic of the International science Academy of pedagogical education.

2009 was elected as an honorary member (academic) of the Academy of pedagogical science.

In 2010 was elected honorable managing pulpits of  performer art.

In 2010 was awarded the golden medals of S. Toraygyrov. The scientific study of 6 competitors will prepared on degree of the candidate of the pedagogical sciences on cipher 13.00.01. general pedagogic, history of pedagogic and formation, ethnopedagogic.

In 2009-2011 yy. took part in republican television issue of the channel "Kazakhstan" "Tau tulgalar", denoted the great scientist and figure of Kazakhstan.

In March 2011 the director of the centre professor E.Zhumataeva was invited on extension course in Germany in city Dusseldorf Euregio Hochschule, University College has also heard in the centre Europaischen Akademie Fur psye hosoziale Sesundheit und Kreativitats Eorderung in Tragerschart des Frutz Perls Institutes vonn. UnivProt. Dr mult. Hilocion Petzold-ak, where passed the period of trial on specified to themes.

In January 2012, the scientific center has prepared a project consisting of 15 blocks entitled “Voucher-module System: Scientific Basis of New Educational Technologies in General Education Schools and the New-type Schools” (currently being implemented in the areas and cities of the Pavlodar region), concluded agreements with the state institution “The Department of Education of Irtysh Area, Uspenka Area, Kachiry Area, Bayanaul Area, Ekibastuz Area”, “Regional Kazakh Gymnasium for Gifted Children Named after Altynsarin”. Lectures, seminars and workshops on the project “Voucher-module System: Scientific Basis of New Educational Technologies in General Education Schools and the New-type Schools” were conducted for the Directors and teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.





Beisova Almagul Yerenbakovna — a research worker

Education: higher education - 1976 – 1981 – Vinnitsa state pedagogical institute after A. Ostrovskiy (the Ukraine). 

Specialty: a teacher of Russian language and literature, education methodologist.

Record of service: 25 years. 

She has been working at the Scientific-Practical Center for Ethnological Pedagogy and Innovative Technologies after Zh. Aimauytov since the foundation of the Center. Since 2004 has been its deputy director.

She is working at the dissertation research for defending a candidate degree in pedagogical sciences. The theme of the thesis is “The ethnic role in developing patriotic feeling”. The research worker A.Ye. Beisova together with other research workers of the SPC are working at the creation and edition of all books that are published by the Center.

She takes an active part and is the performer of the projects on the themes “Realization of educational innovative technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan education system management” and “Consolidation of the multi-ethnic Kazakhstan society as the basis of the common nation idea”. In the co-authorship with the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Zhumatayeva Ye., she is preparing for publication the book “The role of patriotic sense in directing to heroism. Kurmash Nurgaliyev heroism as an example for the whole world”.

The research worker Beissova A.Ye. together with the other research workers of the Center annually conducts the Kazakh language classes for the specialists of Pavlodar oblast department for land tenure. In this connection the program was compiled for the International Educational Center «New Generation» as an official representative of embassy schools of the UK, the USA, Canada and Australia.

She takes part in the regional, republican, international scientific-practical conferences. She publishes her materials in the scholarly journals of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad countries (France).


The content of monographs and manuals (in the form of models)

Quality objectives

Achievements in the field of quality