Nelli Yuzefovna Pigovayeva
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
- higher, S. Seifullin Akmola Pedagogical Institute, Music (1992); - higher education, NJSC "Toraighyrov University", specialty “psychology”, 2022.; - Master's degree, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Psychology (2003); - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 6D010300 Pedagogy and Psychology (2014)
Professional experience
31 years
Subjects taught
History of vocal art, Chamber ensemble, Methods of teaching special disciplines, Voice staging, Specialty
Scientific publications
More than 100 scientific publications, including 4 textbooks, 4 electronic textbooks, 4 mobile applications on the Android platform, 1 monograph.
Field of scientific research
Psychological and pedagogical bases of the formation of performance skills of students in higher music education
Awards, diplomas and certificates
2009 - 2016 - five training manuals were released, in collaboration with the head, in Russian and Kazakh languages, four electronic training manuals, of which 3 electronic training manuals, in co-authorship with the head, in Russian and Kazakh languages, (certificates of state registration of rights to an object of copyright ). 2018 - was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for her great contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2019 - completed refresher courses "Methods and technologies of social work with various categories of the population." 2019 - completed refresher courses "Critical thinking for the development of subject competencies in pedagogy and psychology." 2019 - completed advanced training courses Strengthening educational programs in the specialty "Social Work". Innovative technologies in social work. 2019 - completed refresher courses "Intercultural communication and conflict resolution in the academic environment". 2020 - completed an advanced training course "Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching the subject" Self-knowledge "2020 -" Blended learning in modern education". 2020 - passed the advanced training course "Blended learning in modern education". 2021 - completed a refresher course "Modern trends in inclusive education". 2021 completed MS Excel advanced training course: basic and advanced level. 2022 - completed the advanced training course “Innovative approaches to teaching psychological and social-pedagogical disciplines in higher education institutions.” 2023 - completed the advanced training course “Management in Education: the role of the “General Education Disciplines” cycle in achieving learning outcomes in educational programs.” 2023 - completed the advanced training course “Psychological and pedagogical support of SEN students at the university in the conditional of inclusive educational”. 2023 - completed the advanced training course “Profession Coach”.
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673685 (interoffice 11-43)