Anar Serikovna Popandopulo
Scholastic degree
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology"
- Higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, specialty - "Teacher of music and singing", 2002 - higher education, NJSC "Toraighyrov University", specialty “psychology”, 2022. - Academic master's degree, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty - 52.09.50 "Psychology", 2005
Professional experience
20 years
Subjects taught
Scientific publications
more than 30 publications in scientific journals in Kazakhstan and abroad
Field of scientific research
Development of metacognition of university students
Awards, diplomas and certificates
2017 - advanced training courses on the topic: "Modern pedagogical technologies" JSC “National Center for professional development “Orleu”, Almaty. 2017 - participation in the training "Drama therapy", Pavlodar 2017 - passing a training seminar for the NGO "Organization and implementation of the project" Mentors "in Astana. 2017 - participation in a training seminar on the topic "Competence-based approach in modern education", Almaty 2019 - advanced training courses, Doctor of Sciences, Professor T. Dronzina, on the topic: "Intercultural communication and conflict resolution in the academic environment" Pavlodar 2019 - participation in the V International Forum on Teacher Education, Kazan 2019 - advanced training courses on the topic: "Methods and technologies of social work with various categories of the population" in Pavlodar. 2019 - advanced training courses on the topic: "Critical thinking for the development of subject competences in pedagogy and psychology", Pavlodar. 2019 - participation in a training course on the topic "Strengthening educational programs in the specialty" Social work ". Innovative technologies in social work ", Pavlodar. 2019 - participation in a training seminar on the topic: "Preparation of a self-assessment report of a higher educational institution within the framework of specialized accreditation" in Pavlodar. 2019 - participation in the seminar "Technologies and solutions of the IPR BOOKS electronic library system for the effective organization of the educational process and communications at the university", Pavlodar. 2020 - advanced training courses on the topic: "Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching the subject" Self-knowledge "in Pavlodar. 2020 - participation of the author's seminar of the Campus Research Academy (online seminar). 2020 - participation in the training course "Hi-Tech Management" (online) 2020 - participation in the training course "Blended learning in modern education" (online). 2022 - advanced training course "Innovative methodological approaches to scientific and pedagogical research", Pavlodar. 2022 – advanced training course “Management in education: the role of the cycle “General educational disciplines” in achieving learning outcomes in educational programs”, NJSC “Toraigрyrov University”, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar. 2023 – internship at Palacky University, Czech Republic as part of a project to study the experience of the Czech Republic in providing psychological and pedagogical support for the development of metacognitive abilities of students (schoolchildren) as the main factor in the success of learning in the context of updated education. 2023 - member of the Republican public association “Kazakh Psychological Society”.
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673685 (interoffice 11-39)