Sadvakasova Asemgul Kalelievna
1998-2001 - Pavlodar Medical College, specialty "Physician of General Practice"; 2002-2007 - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Teacher-psychologist"; 2018-2020 – Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
Professional experience
16 years
Subjects taught
Clinical psychology
Scientific publications
4 scientific publications
Field of scientific research
Features of the formation of drug addiction
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate of attendance from the University of California. San Diego. "Modern scientific knowledge and clinical approaches in the problem of dependence on psychoactive substances" from 21-25. 05.2018 (32 academic hours) From September 13, 2021 to December 10, 2021, the Verum Foundation public foundation issued a certificate of completion of training under the program "Express psychotherapeutic approach" GENESIS "to solve all types of psychological problems" in the amount of 144 hours (including personal therapy and supervision) Public Foundation "Verum Foundation" from 13.09.2021 to 10.12.2021 issued a certificate of completion of training under the program "Ericksonian hypnosis" in the amount of 144 hours Diploma from the Major-General of the Police Department N. Massimov "For active cooperation with the internal affairs bodies in the prevention of drug addiction and the formation of immunity to drugs among young people." 06/25/2021 order No. 30 HONORARY LETTER Sadvakasova Asemgul Kalelevna “For conscientious work in the field of healthcare, contribution to the development of the trade union movement and the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan To the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Pavlodar branch of the ShZK RMK "SENIM" Branch Trade Union of Health Workers" - a holiday of the regional branch of the RCH Pavlodar Pavlodar 2021 C. terecenosa Advanced training cycle of the State Enterprise on REM "Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health" Almaty city Certificate "Prevention and correction of emotional burnout among medical workers during a pandemic" Nur-Sultan city total volume 2 credits / 60 hours / March 24-29, 2022 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen” Department of Developmental Psychology and Pedagogy of the Family St. Petersburg Psychological Society. Certificate of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Family and Children in the Modern World" April 22-25, 2020, St. Petersburg. Topic of the article "Assessment of psychological factors contributing to the formation of gambling addiction" Gender Equality Certificate with the support of the Ray of Light Initiative for participation in the training "Strengthening the role of Kazakhstani women in ensuring peace and security: the impact of the activities of regional crisis centers for the protection of women from violence" 2017 training course "Providing psychological assistance and social support to persons on maintenance substitution therapy." 2017 She took part in a seminar within the framework of the CADAP Prevention in Risk Groups program. .2017 advanced training “Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology of the RPA named after B.D. Karvasarsky, the name of the cycle "Issues of Medical Psychology". .2018 advanced training "Modern scientific knowledge and clinical approaches to the problem of dependence on psychoactive substances" 2018 participated in a training program to support the local level in the development, implementation and evaluation of programs for the prevention of substance use. 2018 training courses "Features of the organization of the pedagogical process in the conditions of the updated content of education." .2019 Advanced training courses for a trainer-moderator on the topic "Creating innovative functional models of activity and interaction" 2021 course "Psychiatry for psychologists" 2021 Emotional Intelligence course 2021 Art therapy course 2021 course “Fundamentals of sexology. Basic course" 2021 course "Adolescent psychology" 2021 course "Fundamentals of NLP"
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673685 (interoffice 11-39)
Academic degree
Master of Education Sciences