Kolumbaeva Sholpan Zhaksybaevna
Scholastic degree
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Scholastic degree
1989 - higher education, Karaganda State University, specialty - biology, qualification - biologist, teacher of biology and chemistry 1993-1999 - full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Pedagogy of the ASU 2000 - candidate of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.08 - theory and methodology of vocational education
Professional experience
21 years
Subjects taught
Pedagogy, Management in education and electronic documentation, Technologies of educational work
Scientific publications
more than 120 scientific papers, including 4 Concepts (co-authored), 6 textbooks, incl. 3 textbooks in English (co-authored), 9 manuals, 10 guidelines. He has publications in international journals based on Scopus. The author of standard programs in pedagogical disciplines and continuous teaching practice for the specialties of the Education group.
Field of scientific research
problems of modern education and upbringing, modernization of continuous pedagogical education, problems of teacher training, social pedagogy, socialization of young students, national education
Awards, diplomas and certificates
2016 - Badge of KazNPU named after Abay "UZDIK USTAZ" (No. 436) 2018 - Breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Y. Altynsarin" (No. 734) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member. MAPN (2012), corresponding member. MANPO (2014), corresponding member. International Academy CONCORD (2014). Was the State Tax Service, the responsible executor in scientific projects for grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009-2011, 2012-2014). 1 candidate of pedagogical sciences in the specialty 13 00 01 (2009 in co-supervision), 1 PhD in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" (2011) were prepared under the guidance.
Room number, building
Office phone
8 (7182) 673685 (interoffice 11-39)