Ivan Ivanovich Pavlyuk
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences
Scholastic degree
HAC Associate Professor, PSU Professor
higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Mathematics (1969) Postgraduate studies at Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory (1976)
Professional experience
56 years
Subjects taught
Mathematics, Theory of Comparisons in Groups; Algebraic Systems, Analytical Geometry, Algebra and Geometry
Scientific publications
total 225 works, including: 1. Сравнения и проблема Черникова в теории групп. Павлодар, 2002 г. Изд. ПГУ, 222 с 2. About the graphs of classes of conjugate elements of the simple groups. Вестник ПГУ № 4, 2012, с. 22-32 3. Об одном алгоритме построения графов классов сопряженных элементов конечных групп. Вестник ПГУ № 3,4, 2012, с. 125-133 4. О мощности множества классов сопряженных элементов группы. Вестник КарГУ, серия математика, №1, 2013 г., с.61-64 5. К теории центральной сравнимости элементов группы. Международная научная конференция «Мальцевские чтения» г.Новосибирск, институт математики СО РАН, Россия, 2015г, с.116 6. О новой отношении эквивалентности элементов группы. Материалы Международной научной конференции молодых учёных, магистрантов, студентов и школьников. «XVIII Сатпаевские чтения». Том 19. Павлодар, 2018 г. С. 252-257. 7. Финансовые задачи на уроках и факультативах по математике для подготовки к ЕНТ по предмету Математическая грамотность. Павлодар 2018. Том 12. С 39-43.
Field of scientific research
working on a research project. Development of a new direction in group theory and algebra - the theory of comparisons in groups (more than 80 publications, participation in international and national scientific conferences). He defined and introduced more than ten new basic concepts of the theory: group comparison, group comparison solution, equivalent comparison, ratio of central and centralizer comparability, ratio of index comparability, ratio of Chernikov comparability, the concept of modulator of (corresponding) comparability, centralizer of (corresponding) comparability, kernel of (corresponding) equivalence, etc. He developed a modulatory method of groups study (monograph, 2002); known problems of the theory of groups (more than 10) from Kourov's notebook, Novosibirsk State University publishing house, 2012, were solved using the theory of congruences and modulatory method. I.I. Pavlyuk is currently working on a monograph on the Theory of Comparison in Groups
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme “Development of the theory of comparison in groups” (2012-2015), Diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akim of Pavlodar region, two medals of the USSR, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Medal S. Toraigyrova “For special merits to PSU named after S. Toraigyrova ”, medal“ 50 years of PSPI ”(2012).