Smailov Bolat Kapsattarovich
Senior lecturer
Professional experience
2005-2010 - JSC Eurasian Bank (credit manager, deputy director), 2010 -2014 - Subsidiary JSC VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) (deputy director), 2015 - Ch. Specialist of JSC IC "Salem", 2016-2018 - Director of Pawnshop Maxima Pavlodar LLP, since 2022 - teacher (assistant) of the Department of Finance and Accounting.
Subjects taught
Practical classes: "Money, credit, banks", "Financial markets and intermediaries", "Digital finance", "International monetary and financial and credit relations", "Control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations", "Insurance", "Marketing financial services", "Project 1".
Field of scientific research
Development of digital finance in Kazakhstan. Banking activity in conditions of inflation.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificates for the courses: "Human Resource Management", "Quality Sales Skills", Diploma of JSC VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) "For high achievements in work".
Room number, building
Office phone
673643 (вн.1172)