Zhanat Kalelovna Altaibaeva
Scholastic degree
candidate of economic sciences
- Higher, Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, specialty - "Accounting and analysis of economic activity in agriculture", qualification "Economist in accounting, 1985-1989. - Master's program, S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty - “Economics”, 2003. - defense of the candidate dissertation, “Turan” University, specialty 08.00.05 “Economics and National Economy Management”, 2010.
Professional experience
29 years
Subjects taught
Management Accounting 1,2, Financial Accounting 2, Audit
Scientific publications
Total – more than 50 - Электронное учебное пособие к практическим занятиям по курсу Управленческий учет 1. ISBN №978-9965-91-712-5, 2015 - Development of the Flour-milling Industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan in Modern Times. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues ISSN: 2146-4138.2016, 6(S2) 1-8. Indexed in Scopus - Current state and development trends of the flour-milling industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Revista ESPACIOS/ ISSN 0798 1015,Vol.38(№ 46) Year2017, Indexed in Scopus, Google Schollar - К вопросу об управлении бюджетными процессами на местном уровне. №4 2016г. журнал ВАК РФ "Известия вузов. Социология. Экономика. Политика" - Структура производства мукомольной продукции на основе анализа эффективности затрат. Теоретический и научно-практический журнал Проблемы агрорынка №2, 2017 - Қазахстан Республикасында жергiлiктi деңгейде бюджеттiк үдерiстердi басқару. Теоретический и научно-практический журнал Проблемы агрорынка №1 2018 - Повышение экономической эффективности мукомольного производства на основе регулирования затрат (на материалах Павлодарской области). Монография. Иновационный Евразийский УниверситетISBN №978-601-7902-40-1 , 2018 - The Economic Mechanism for the Formation of Local Budgets in Kazakhstan: Current State and Development Trends (Based on the Example of Pavlodar City). Revista Espacios. Vol.39, No. 28 - 2018. Indexed in Scopus, Google Schollar - Инвестирование в развитие рекреационных территорий в Павлодарской области. Вестник университета «Туран», Научный журнал №2(78),2018, Алматы
Field of scientific research
Economics of Agriculture, Local Budgets, Information for Decision Making, Gender Relations
Awards, diplomas and certificates
International qualification "Certified Accountant - Practitioner" (CAP No. 0004307 dated 04/15/2006 Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Qualification "Professional accountant" (certificate No. 00011824, reg.№01824 dated May 21, 2012.), International qualification “Professional financial manager” (Diploma of qualification No. PFM 424054 of 08/01/17. The Institute of Certified Financial Managers), International Qualification “Certified Financial Manager” (Diploma of Qualification No. CFM 424054 of 01/01/17. The Institute of Certified Financial Managers), - Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object IP 006796, entry in the register No. 2587 dated 12/09/2016. "Calculation of scenarios of assortment output with cost-sharing by elements."