Lidiya Anvarovna Shafeyeva
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Economic Sciences in specialty 6M050900 "Finance"
- higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Economics and Management in Industry (1996); - Master's degree in 6M050900 Finance, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2012)
Professional experience
20 years
Subjects taught
Money, credit, banks, International monetary and credit relations, Valuations, financial markets and intermediaries, Financial control and audit in the financial and budgetary organizations, Finance.
Scientific publications
over 40 – Пенсионная система РК: проблемы, перспективы, решения. Материалы Международной научной конференции «XV Сатпаевские чтения», апрель, 2015 г.; – Халықаралық интеграция шарттарында Қазақстан ағралык секторын дамыту. Журнал «Проблемы агрорынка» №1, январь-март 2015 год, г. Алматы; – Формирование и развитие региональных технопарков как фактор повышения инвестиционной активности. Научно-общественный журнал АО «КАЗАХСКСКИЙ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ им. Т. РЫСКУЛОВА» (г. Алматы) №1, 2015 год.
Field of scientific research
control and minimization of banking risks
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- courses in Finance, Institute for Professional Development of HEI Lecturers, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, certificate 3675, Almaty (February 17 - March 1, 2014); - Application of Distance Learning Technologies in the Educational Process, S. Toraighyrov PSU, Pavlodar (February 11-22, 2013); - The Analysis of Monetary Policy under Different Modes of Exchange Rate. The Analysis of Optimal Currency Areas. A course of lectures by Robert Mundell, a Nobel Prize Winner, certificate 6926, Pavlodar (May 21-22, 2012).