Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Popp
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of CCES RK
higher, Kazakh State Technical University, Metal-Cutting Machines and Tools, qualification: Mechanical Engineer (1993); - higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Business and Management, qualification: Economic Manager (1996); - defense of the Candidate's dissertation in 08.00.05 Economics and Management of the National Economy
Professional experience
26 years
Subjects taught
Tax planning
Scientific publications
over 50 - Анализ эффективности системы управления инвестиционной деятельности в Казахстане. КазЭУ хабаршысы. Экономика 2015г.-Алматы; - Прогрессивные элементы зарубежного опыта налогообложения банков и возможность их использования в условиях финансового регулирования в РК. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «модернизация старопромышленных территорий: факторы успеха в глобальной экономике» Уральский институт – филиал РАНХиГС г. Екатеринбург, 2014г., 209-211с.; - Налоги и налогообложение. Учебное пособие. - Павлодар: ПГУ имени С. Торайгырова, 2004г
Field of scientific research
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- workshop on annual reports held by the Chamber of Professional Accountants of the Republic of Kazakhstan (lecturers: I.V. Higay, Ye.P. Lyapunova), 8 hours, Pavlodar (December 18, 2014); - workshop on changes in tax and customs legislation held by the Regional Tax Committee of Pavlodar region, 3 hours, Pavlodar (January 14, 2015); - workshop on changes in the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan held by the Chamber of Professional Accountants of the Republic of Kazakhstan (lecturer: Ye.P. Lyapunova), 4 hours, Pavlodar (January 27, 2015).