Natalya Sergeyevna Kaftunkina
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of CCES RK, professor of S. Toraighyrov PSU
- higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Economics and Management in Industry (1991-1996); - full-time postgraduate studies at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, 08.00.05 Economics and Management of National Economy (1996-1999); - defense of the Candidate's dissertation at the dissertation council OK 53.39.05 at Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University (January 24, 2003)
Professional experience
23 years
Subjects taught
Financial Management, Advanced financial management, financial analysis, in-depth financial analysis, monetary policy
Scientific publications
over 50 – монография «Анализ региональных особенностей в процессе развития промышленных кластеров (на материалах Павлодарской области)»; – Апрель, 2015 год - Управление банковскими инновациями Материалы Международной научно практической конференции молодых ученых, студентов и школьников «ХV Сатпаевские чтения», г.Павлодар, ПГУ имени С.Торайгырова; – 2015 год - Банковские инновации: сущность и виды, Научный журнал «Вестник ПГУ», г.Павлодар
Field of scientific research
development of social investments in Kazakhstan, development of bank investments
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- Certified International Professional Accountant (CIPA); - the winner of the international competition of projects held by Economic Education and Research Consortium with the project “Analysis of Regional Features in the Development of Industrial Clusters (a Case Study of Pavlodar Region)” (2006); - the winner of the international competition "Development of the Economy and Economic Science in Kazakhstan: Problems and Prospects" held by the Association of Economists of Kazakhstan, a second-place diploma for the best paper in the field of economic development and economic policy (2007); - honorary certificate from the MES for supervising students' research projects (2007); - winner of the Researcher of the Year competition at S. Toraighyrov PSU (2007, 2008).