The main purpose of the educational activities is to maximize the involvement of students in organized activities contributing to the realization of their intellectual, moral, creative and physical potential, contribute to a harmonious and integrated development of students' personality through the creation of conditions for the development of professional and social competences, creativity, scientific worldview, high level of culture and citizenship.
The competence-based approach to the organization of educational work is aimed at enhancing the positive qualities of all participants of the educational process and oriented at a high level of individual performance, ensuring the formation of values in the "man-society-nature" system.
The competence model of a graduate includes professional competence, socio-cultural competence, professionally and socially relevant personality traits.
Educational work is carried out by the system of educational structures in the following directions:
• formation of socially important personal qualities through participation in socially important activities;
• formation of students' self-consciousness and creating conditions for creative self-realization;
• promotion of the healthy lifestyle ideology among students;
• formation of active socio-cultural position, patriotism, respect for the rule of law;
• formation of students' moral values, commitment to the creation and enhancement of value in spiritual culture;
• formation of ambition, flexibility and competitiveness in the professional sphere.
The Department of Finance and Accounting carries out the following types of educational work:
• improving the system of student self-governance;
• improving the legal and civil-patriotic education of students;
• development of the University's corporate culture and teaching the corporate spirit;
• improving the methods of moral education;
• realization of creative activity;
• improving the efficiency of work in the field of tolerant behavior formation, prevention of nationalism and extremism, reduction of the risk of social unrest;
• improving the labour nurturing activities and the system for informing and working with students and graduates;
• improving the conditions for spiritual and physical development of individuals;
• generation and rational management of social security funds;
• improving the system of motivation for lecturers and students to raise the efficiency of educational work.
Educational work is held in the following basic directions:
1. Patriotic and moral education. Development of the system of legal knowledge, creation of conditions for the formation of legal consciousness, awareness and the need to respect the rights and responsibilities, teaching active citizenship, formation of the civil and legal culture of students and instilling respect for the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Research. This is the main direction aimed at:
- formation of motivation to do research;
- teaching research methods;
- teaching creative attitude towards the future profession;
- teaching the methods of independent work.
3. Mass cultural events and creativity. The Department strongly supports the participation of students in amateur talent activities, inter-university, regional and national competitions.
4. Involvement of students in community work and public life of the city.
Organizational measures in educational work include assignment of curators to student groups, on-duty watch in the Student House, organization of student self-governance campaigns.
Student self-governance campaigns are held systematically in order to develop such qualities as responsibility, self-discipline, determination, and self-development.
Moral education: participation in fund-raising activities for orphaned students, and school pupils from needy families.
Patriotic education: lectures, conversations, traditions.
Annually, on November 15 the "Finance and Accounting" department organizes an event dedicated to the Day of the national currency. At celebration are held educational activities for students of the Faculty.
Aesthetic education: visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions, and concerts, including those held by the Student Philharmonic.
Healthy lifestyles formation: lectures on HIV/AIDS prevention, meetings with representatives of the AIDS Center. Curators and students take part in Health Days, spartakiads, and annual national student games.
Labor nurturing: clean-up events inside and outside the University.
Tel: 8 (7182) 673646 (int. 1172)