History of the Department

The Department's history began in 1960 with the foundation of Pavlodar Industrial Institute. Pavlodar region has always been a large industrial center with many plants and energy facilities, so the demand for highly qualified personnel in the energy sector has always been high. For many years, the Department of Electrical Power Engineering has been training future specialists for the energy sector of our region.


Administration of the Department

Full name: Vadim Pavlovich Markovskiy

Position: Head of the Department

Academic degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Education: higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, 0303 Industrial Power Supply (1991)

Courses taught: Automation of Standard Technological Complexes; Protection and Diagnostics of Electric Drive; Innovations in Science and Technology; Methodology of Science and Methods of Scientific Research; Microprocessor Control of Electric Drive; Electric Drive Modelling; Power Conversion Units; Electric Drive Control Systems; Special Issues of Electricity Supply; Theory of Automated Electric Drive; Electric Apparatus and the Elements of Automated Electric Drive; Electric Drive

Professional experience: 25 years

  • Publications:

Field of research: differential protection of controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers, multimotor electric drive

Professional achievements: Pedagogical, Information and Communication Technologies of Distance Education (2010), the Best Head of Department in 2010-2011


Achievements of the Department

1. The Department has a specialized Laboratory of Electrical Power Engineering named after F. Boyko and a new specialized Laboratory of Electromechanics and Electrical Engineering equipment.

2. The following study guides and learning materials have been published: Russian-Kazakh Dictionary in Power Engineering, Part 1 by A.M. Akayev, V.P. Markovskiy, L.I. Kurguzova, N.N. Kurguzov, M.M. Kabdualiyeva, O.M. Talipov, and Yu.A. Lenkov; Russian-Kazakh Dictionary in Electrical Power Engineering “Selecting Switching Devices and Live Parts of Electricity Generating Stations Switchgears” by Yu.A. Lenkov and G.K. Khozhin; Designing Electricity Generating Station by A.M. Akayev, N.N. Kurguzov, L.I. Kurguzova and Yu.A. Lenkov; Reliability and Quality of Electricity Grids by M.Ye. Volgin.

3. In the 2011-2012 academic year, 8 research papers by members of the Department were published in national scientific journals, 17 papers were published abroad, 1 patent for invention was received.

4. Professor B.B. Utegulov, Associate Professor A.B. Utegulov, Associate Professor A.B. Uakhitov took professional development courses in England and France.

5. Members of the Department took part in 2 competitions announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Professor B.B. Utegulov received the title of the Best Professor of the University. Professors Yu.A. Lenkova, M.Ye. Volgin, V.F. Govorun and I.V. Zakharov were awarded medals for their contribution to the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professor V.I. Zakharov won the title of the Best University Lecturer from the MES. Associate Professor A.B. Utegulov and A.B. Uakhitova are holders of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists of Kazakhstan.


Location of the Department: Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, 64 Lomov St., S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Building A, Room 223, Department of Electrical Power Engineering, 8 (7182) 673626.


Programs Offered

  Academic Staff

  Training and Research Facilities



  List of the Department's Best Students in the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Titles of Graduation Works / Projects, Master's and Doctoral Dissertations

Modul HandBook

Certificates of specialized accreditation