The transition of universities to a new organizational and legal form - non-profit joint stock companies - gives them academic freedom and autonomy. At the same time, this requires the introduction of new corporate governance mechanisms, and one of them is anti-corruption compliance.


Toraighyrov University also established the position of compliance officer, to which a graduate of the Bolashak program, candidate of political sciences Serik Ilyasov was appointed.  Today he became a guest of the live broadcast with the participation of Nazymbek Bekzhanov, head of the anti-corruption department in the Pavlodar region.

At the meeting, they discussed the main steps of the compliance officer to prevent corruption risks.  Among them there are the introduction of online broadcasting of exams, conducting anonymous sociological surveys of students on a regular basis as part of the “Clean Session” campaign, open competitive procedures for allocating places in dormitories, vacant grants, and identifying participants in academic mobility programs.  In the near future, the compliance service of Toraighyrov University plans to introduce the international standard “ISO 37001. Anti-corruption management system”.